
Thumbnail Title Description
Bechoo - Personalia Education

With reference to your letter of 6th September, 1961, and the appeal signed by senior Principals, it appears that yov have overlooked the rurpose of the 1958 salary adjustment. The purpose of the adjustment was to consolidate into the scales a portion of the cost of living allowance......

Performance management skills
Overseas trip 1969 Prof SP Olivier
  • Variouse correpondance S.P.Olivier to Directore of the University and institution I Europe:his tour (itenery) Europe and America 1968
  • Series of Articles in New west Fiilische by Heinz Liebocher, on S.A.31July to 9 August 1968
Arts and Africa: BBC African Service, no. 507G
Letter from Director of Alternative Information Service to Peter Brown
Letter from the State Library to the editor of Reality
The Reconstruction and Development Programme: A View from Business

Welcome elements
The RDP contains much that must be welcomed. Its very production is a positive step. Few political movements participating in lhe elections can have put on the table so comprehensive and detailed a document.

Letter from Peter Brown to the Director of the South African Race Relations
Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Dr E A Barker, Director of Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital

Black and white print 10.9 x 6.2

Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Dolly Khumalo, Director of Heritage and Museum Services, KwaZulu-Natal, talking at the function about women and government

Digital image

Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Dolly Khumalo, Director of Heritage and Museum Services, KwaZulu-Natal, talking at the function about women and government

Digital image

Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Dolly Khumalo, Director of Heritage and Museum Services, KwaZulu-Natal, talking at the function about women and government

Digital image

Mr J S M Zwiegelaar

Mr. J. S. M. Zwiegelaar, Executive Director of Education and Culture who has been the Chairman of the Fiat Lux Editorial Committee

Letter from the Director of W G Brown to Natal Witness (Pty.) Ltd.
Letter from the Director of W G Brown & Co. to E S Blankley
Letter from Bill to Phyllis Naidoo

I have not met Jackson but I will investigate. He is not the head of the new Institute of Labour Studies, in fact I don’t think a director has yet been appointed.

Alan Paton with Bob Leshoai, Director of African Studies, University of Botswana

Black and white print 21.5 x 16.5cm

Alan Paton with Bob Leshoai, Director of African Studies, University of Botswana

Black and white print 21.5 x 16.5cm

Letter from Peter Brown to the Director, Jan H Hofmeyer School of Social Work
Arts and Africa: BBC African Service, no. 671


23 records found.