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The Wiser Review: No 1, July 2004

A series of essays compiled by Wiser, University of Witwatersrand

South Africa - The Rainbow Nation and Prospects for Consolidating Democracy


South Africa and the Global Order: The Structural Conditioning of a Transition to Democracy

On 2 February 1990, a mere two months after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, State President F.W. de Klcrk announced the unbanning of the African National Congress (ANC), the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) and the South Africa.....

The RDP: Two Reviews - Half Full? .....or Half Empty

The ANC Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) aspires to be the most significant statement on SA society since the Freedom Charter was adopted in 1955.

Lessons from the Field: A Decade of Democracy

Lessons from the Field: A Decade of Democracy was a project of the Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA). supported by Ihe Ford Foundation.

Zimbabwe Rhodesia: A search fro Unity

Political Science Project

From Pluralism To Corporatism: South Africa's Labour Relations In Transition

This article focuses on how and why South Africa's model of labour relations changed in the course of the country's transition to democracy.

The Democrat - AUG 1992


Colonialism, Communalism & Democracy

The Opening of the Apartheid Mind.




Intelligence, Accountability & Democracy: Prospects for a Future South Africa

National Security Research Project Centre for Development Studies - University of the Western Cape



Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Audience attending the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Catherine Woeber at the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Slide presentation at the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Al Diesel attending the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Audience attending the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Yvonne Spain asking a question at the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Audience listening to Thina Siwendu at the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Tea time at the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Tea time at the function

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313 records found.