Thumbnail Title Description
Draft for speech at Morogoro 1989. CCM celebration of Heroes Day

Draft for speech at Morogoro 1989. Tanzanian Heroes Day. 3 handwritten pages

Stronger than ever in Uitenhage
Editorial: Helen Suzman
The 'Year of Cetshwayo' Revisited
Casey and Company
The Transvaal Gandhii Centenary Council
Gandhi the Lawyer
Women meet and pay tribute
Continue struggle for May Day
Freedom Charter: the people's demands
These freedoms we will fight for...
30th Anniversary of the Freedom Charter
Soweto Students Representative Council: We shall share sufference and joyous moments

The circular, issued by the SSRC, calls for a one year commemoration for all students who died in the political unrest in Soweto on 16th June 1976

December 16, 1976: Parents' day of pledging solidarity with the students

Circular, issued by the Soweto Students Representative Council, calling for a commemoration on 16 December 1976, of those killed in police violence and a rededication to the national liberation struggle

Article in underground leaflet 'Freedom'

Article in underground leaflet 'Freedom' issued by the South African Communist Party in November 1967 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Russian Revolution

Bartolomeu Diaz
Remember 16 June 1976
Dedication: Comrade Zulei Christopher
Message to the PAC on Sharpeville Day
19 records found.