
Thumbnail Title Description
Our Indian Community

Supplement to the Daily News - 23 February 1977.

Vocational interests as revealed by enrolments
Review of other professions - Agriculture
Memo for Rector Indian University College
Ferment and change at the university college of Fort Hare: The events leading to the Fort Hare Transfer Act of 1959
Letter from Gillian and Friend to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Gillian and Friend to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Edith to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Edith to Phyllis Naidoo.

The Maze Maritz College, Durban.

The Maze Maritz College, Durban.

Divisional champions in swimming

Sastri CollegeĀ  Divisional Champions in Swimming

Letter from Nash to Phyllis Naidoo

You mean so much to Monroe and are such a good friend to Fern and Monroe that I want to write and tell you of my appreciation. You took our place at their wedding, which make us very proud.

Gill college

Gill college and boarding house

11 records found.