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Plea to the N. G. Kerk in S. Africa From the Nyanga Bush People
Procession (Contact Photos) (Black & White).

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital and Church

Project on African Nationlism

African Nationalism  is fast becoming an undesirahle force in the wcrld today

Religion and Prejudice
Religion and the struggle against apartheid

Paper on religion and the struggle against apartheid, prepared for an African National Congress seminar which provides a brief history of the ANC, examines the role of the church, and challenges the church to participate in the struggle for liberation.

Report on the Whittlesea Resettlement areas with special reference to Zweledinga

Report by the Border Council of Churches on problems faced by Black families who were forcibly removed from their homes because of the policy of separate development and resettled at Whittlesea.

Rev. J. R. Derbyshire

Most Rev. J. R. Derbyshire, Litt. D., D. D, Archbishop of Cape Town (Contact Photos) (Black & White).

Rev. Simon Vedamuthoo (Contact Photos) (Black & White).

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital and Church

Review of Allan Boesak: Die Vinger Van God. Preke Oor Geloof en die Politiek
Rowlans departure or arrival from tour
Sermon by the ANC Department of Religious Affairs on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the ANC, January 25, 1987
Some Origins of the Ethiopian Movement in Southern Africa

this paper covers some aspects of Ethiopianism1and draws from a.....

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

St Aidan’s Church

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital and Church

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital and Church

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital and Church

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital and Church

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital and Church

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital and Church

Satchell & Sundram (Contact Photos) (Black & White).

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital and Church

Musicians (Contact Photos) (Black & White).

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital and Church



222 records found.