
Thumbnail Titlesort descending Description
1860 Settlers celebration of 1980 Consecration Service Addington Beach

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 Saiva Sithantha Sungum

1860 Settlers celebration of 1980 Consecration Service Addington Beach

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 - Saiva Sithantha Sungum

1860 Settlers celebration of 1980 Consecration Service Addington Beach

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 - Saiva Sithantha Sungum

1860 Settlers celebration of 1980 Consecration Service Addington Beach

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 - Saiva Sithantha Sungum

Celebrating 10 Years of the CCMA
Celebration held by a hearing impaired school

Lighting and blowing of candles

Dancers at the 1860 Celebration

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 - Saiva Sithantha Sungum

Dancers at the 1860 Celebration

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 - Saiva Sithantha Sungum

Event proceedings conducted by Swami Sivananda Navalar

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 - Saiva Sithantha Sungum

Event proceedings conducted by Swami Sivananda Navalar

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 - Saiva Sithantha Sungum

Letter from Cynthia to Phyllis Naidoo

I hope usaphila there at Maseru. Thina lapha sisaphila. I got yours last week o Friday 30/5, we were busy preparing to go to Nshongweni Pilgrimage. I sometimes attend their big celebrations, and they surely get pleased.

Letter from Mair to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Mair to Phyllis Naidoo

Mary Tenene, Raaz Pillay and Joicelyn Leslie-Smith outsided the Colin Webb Hall at the Heritage Day celebration

Colour print 9 x 12.1cm

Memorial service at the Saiva Sithantha Sungum

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 - Saiva Sithantha Sungum

Natal Indian Congress Independence Day - 1947

Independence day

Natal Room/Gerhard Mare Collection: Inkhata Youth Brigade march in Lamontville during the Shaka Day celebration in 1984

Black and white print 20.1 x 25.2


Part of the Crowd

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 - Saiva Sithantha Sungum

Part of the crowd

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 - Saiva Sithantha Sungum

Part of the Crowd

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 - Saiva Sithantha Sungum

Procession in Derby Street

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 - Saiva Sithantha Sungum


24 records found.