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Steve Biko 1946-77 - I like what I write

The time for a comprehensive biography of Steve Biko is not yet. But it is hoped that the production of a book containing a selection of his writings may be timely, that it may serve to inform those who all over the world know the name Biko only in the dreadful.......

The definition of Black Consciousness
The Youth Struggle: June 16 1976 Soweto Riots
Food Authority and Politics - Student Rights in South Africa: 1945-1976
Questions with Randolph Vigne on the African Resistance Movement (ARM)
Letter from Peter Brown to Cathy
Letter from Judy to Phyllis Naidoo

How can I ever say thanks enough for you and Sakthi for looking after me for the last month and a half.

Interview with Simangaliso Mkhatshwa, conducted by George Mukuka
Interview with Buti Tlhagale, conducted by George Mukuka
Interview with Sbu Ndebele, conducted by Jeremy Seekings
Black Consciousness and White Liberals
Chapter one: Black organisations - Political groups
Chapter six: Black consciousness
Chapter six: Black consciousness
The rise of Black nationalism
Power over - power shared
The pipe-dream shattered
The poverty of Africanism

Staffrider magazine (1978-1993), took its name and identity from township slang for black youth who rode the overcrowded, racially segregated commuter trains by sitting on the roof or hanging onto the outside.

Black Peoples Convention: National Congress Address by the President, Mr T S Farisani

Black Peoples Convention: National Congress Address by the President, Mr T S Farisani. The address discusses issues such as social welfare, industry, trade and commerce in a future free Azania. Includes a poem on committment.


150 records found.