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Biography of Mr J S Rajpaul

Biography of Mr J S Rajpaul

Biography of Elliot Mngadi
Biography of Bechoo Gungapersadh

BECHOO Gungapersadh, headmaster; b. Stanger, 1904; m. 2nd d. of R. Lugunberthy,of Durban; 4 s., 6 d.;
commenced as pupil teacher in 1917, joined Govt. service in 1921, at Stanger Ind.Biography of Bechoo Gungapersadh

Arts and Africa BBC African Service, London

A second Zimbabwe International Book Fair was held . But together with the Book Fair there was a Festival of African Films, the first of its knd in that part of the continent. The event was accompanied by a film workshop that brought people involved in the industry from many parts of Africa.

Alan Paton's Hofmeyr
Alan Paton with his biography of Hofmeyr in 1964, the same year in which the biography was published

Black and white print 20 x 2cm

Alan Paton on the steps of the Comet on hs return to Johannesburg after a ten week stay in London to collect material for his biography on J H Hofmeyr

Black and white print 15 x 21cm

Alan Paton biography book launch: Professor David Maughan-Brown welcomes guests and introduces Kate McCallum (OUP MD), and Professor Peter Alexander, author

Colour print 10 x 15cm

Alan Paton biography book launch: Heather Henning (sister of Peter Alexander), Professor Peter Alexander, and Mrs Anne Paton

Colour print 9 x 13cm

Alan Paton biography book launch: Hanri Pieterse (Marketing manager, OUP), Professor David Maughan-Brown (Principal University of Natal), and Joicelyn Leslie-Smith (Manuscript Librarian of the Alan Paton Centre & Struggle Archives

Colour print 10 x 15cm

Alan Paton biography book launch: Dr Leslie Rubin, Dr David Paton and Mr Peter Brown

Colour print 9 x 15cm

Alan Paton biography book launch: Bishop Michael Nuttall and Prof Peter Alexander - author signing the paton Biography

Colour print 10 x 15cm

A labour of love: The Biography of Dr Shishupal Rambharos

It has taken many months to put together this book, largely because Bhai Rambharos has had a long, varied and rich life that reflects so many different interests. It has been an immense task that has raised many difficult questions.


293 records found.