Bhidli Mhongo (Laduma Madela)

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Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Bhidli has removed the upper meat tray and cuts the meat. On Bhidli's hips are his side tails,izinjong, seen.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Bhidli in one of the typical Zulu men's sitting positions. Both sides his legs are sides tails, izinjongo (K. Schlosser's favourote picture of Bhidli!)

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

On the meat tray at the  metatarsia of the forefeet of the goat are the epiphyses visible but still in situ. At the longer metatarsia of the hind feet are the epiphyses visible in situ. The ankle bones (astralagi) have been placed next to the upper end of the metatarsia.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

On a meat tray there are two longer hind feet and two shorter forefeet of the goat F.18/23 as well as wristlet, "isiphandla". Madela has cut it from the skin on the forehead of the goat. With this wristlet Bhidli honoured later on the author.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

The plants protecting Bhidli's cattle kraal/pen. To the right the flowering cactus, imbuna (in no dictionary). To the left an orchid, imfe yenkawu, elophia.. Bhidli "if you want to send a dream to someone you have to mix imfe yenkawu with other medicines.

Friend of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Bhidli in front of his cattle pen. In order to honour his ancestors. Bhidli nailed the horns of cattle and goats to some posts of his cattle pen. The cactus, imbuna, and other plants are preventing the witshes (abathakathi) to do mischief in the cattle pen.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

A young man from the Zulu clan fastens the goat's skin with pegs

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Bhidli is churning medicine. he wears two necklaces from beads. To one of them small medicine bottles are attached, to the other one a medicine horn with anti-lightning medicine.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Thanking me for large colour poster Bhidli slaughtered a goat in my honour, bringing me thus in contact with his ancestor spirits. He did it in the same way as Velabengasho (see the album "Velabengasho Khumalo").

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo. see image F10/12

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo, in Velabengasho Khumalo' kraal. He wears Velabengasho's dance crown from the winter feather of "isakabula", the long-tailed-bird, diatropure progne prons (Roberts, no.118).

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