
Thumbnail Title Description
"Kaffir of Amaxhosa"

Black and white engraving of a Xhosa man wearing his traditional clothes and carrying a stick.

"Female of the Bushman Race"

Black and white engraving of an African woman from the KoiSan race.

" Woman & Child of the Bushman Race"

Black and white engraving of a Koi mother and child.

"The Old Theatre: Hottentot Square"

Black and white lithograph scene of the Old Theatre; Hottentot Square in Cape Town.

"The Wesley Chapel: Cape Town"

Black and white lithograph scene of the Wesley Chapel in Cape Town.

"St Andrews Church & The Old Town House"

Black and whithe lithograph scene of the St Andrews Church and the Old Town House in Cape Town.

"The Great Barracks: Cape Town"

Black and white engraving of the Great Barracks in Cape Town.

"Kaffir of the Bechuana"

Black and white engraving of an African man in Botswana.

8 records found.