Arun Gandhi

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Mahatma Gandhi Collection (Gandhi 1913 - 1914 scrapbook)

A LETTER written by Mahatma Gandhi to Adolf Hitler in 1940 has been dug out of Government Archives in Madras, South India........

Non-Violence in the 21st Century: Challenges and Choices

The greatest challenge in promoting nonviolence is the English language and its limitations. The next is our perception, rooted for centuries, that violence is the only way we can resolve our problems......

Nonviolence & Us

Modem society is plagued by violence  at home, at work, in the streets, in schools. In fact anywhere there is, unfortunately, the distinct likelihood of violence

Become a supporter of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence

What was true then is true now. In the same spirit of humility as M.K. Gandhi we express our concern for the continuation and development of our programs and the......

4 records found.