Thumbnail Title Description
The foreign policy of a future South Africa

Paper on a foreign policy for a future South Africa. Examines the racist government and the international community, the perspectives of the National Liberation Movement, regional and international governmental organisations.

South Africa's racist state and the national democratic revolution

Paper by Jack Simons on apartheid and the democratic revolution. Examines the history of political systems in South Africa, looks at the Constitution, racial segregation, white supremacy, exclusions of Africans and the racist government.

The socio-political and economic crisis in the apartheid system

ANC paper on the socio-political and economic crisis in the apartheid system, prepared for the regional and national preparatory committees. Covers the enemy's strategy for survival, the total strategy and its application, and how to out-manoeuvre the enemy.

De Klerk's new South Africa: apartheid out? segregation in!
Durban's beachfront "calamity"
The agony of South Africa


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