Alan Paton

Thumbnail Title Description
Alan Paton giving a speech during one of his visits to America

Black and white print 19 x 24cm

Alan Paton giving a speech during one of his visits to America

Black and white print 18 x 24cm

Alan Paton at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C, 1946

Colour print 20 x 25cm

An unsual studio mounted portrait of Alan Paton without his spectacles

Sepia print 17 x 22cm

Alan Paton interview. "I don't see a way out of our present political dilemma but I am not prepared to say there isn't one..."

Black and white print 15 x 20cm

Alan Paton on the set of his play Mkhumbane, opening night, 1960

Black and white print 18 x 25cm

Alan Paton with Don MacKenzie, Chairman of TocH Organisation in Natal, 1953

Black and white print 20 x 25cm

Alan Paton portrait, 1948/1949

Sepia print 19 x 24cm + 1 copy

Alan Paton meets Betty Mthombeni, star of Meropa, 24 Ocotber 1974

Black and white print 15 x 20cm

Alan Paton at his desk with an unidentified person, 1950s. At his Author's desk

Colour print 9 x 9cm

Alan Paton with Aubrey Burns, 1967

Colour print 9 x 9cm

Portrait of Alan Paton, 1924

Black and white print 8 x 13cm original + 1 copy

Alan Paton smoking

Black and white print 28 x 35cm

Alan Paton on his 70th birthday, 11 January 1973

Black and white print 15 x 20cm

Alan Paton with Fred Hedden

Black adn white print 15 x 20cm

Alan Paton portrait, 1950s

Sepia print 20 x 26cm

Alan Paton portrait, 1950s

Sepia print 20 x 26cm

Civil Rights News Letter, Vol. XIII No. 9 Issued 8 November 1966
Portrait of Alan Paton, 1953

Black and white print 6 x 5cm + 1 copy

Alan Paton with his biography of Hofmeyr in 1964, the same year in which the biography was published

Black and white print 20 x 2cm


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