
Thumbnail Title Description
Zulu Art Students

African Art photograph of wooden carved figures of animals and a kneeling woman made by Zulu Art students.

Hottentot Woman: Grahams 'town (B)

Color portrait of Hottentot woman.

Life drawing: Study of a mouth and chin

Black and white life drawing study of a mouth and chin.


African Art photograph of a wooden carved scene of Jesus Christ on the cross. Photograph donated by Dr. J. Grossert to the Campbell Collections.

'A Cottage'

Black and white scene of a cottage behind trees.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

George, Ethel, S.G.C, mother, Roy, Agnes, Bruce.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

George and Agnes Campbell.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Dr George Campbell.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Dr George Campbell second from left.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

George Campbell-2nd row.

"Man of Honor"

Abstract scene of a man from a high office or royal.

"A Sumurai"

Portrait of a Sumarai.

"Pineapple Hat"

Abstract scene of a man wearing a pineapple hat for a summer festival.

"One Snowy Night"

Abstract scene of men pulling a cart during a snowy night.

Tommy Atkins

Abstract scene of Tommy Atkins a General, during a parade in front of his army.

"Stand Steady!"

Abstract scene of a Commander yelling at his Junior officers during an assembly.

"Off to the Market"

Abstract scene of a well dressed house wife outside her house, ready to go to the market.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Back L to R: Dr George Campbell, His wife Agnes, His son, Hamish Campbell, Dr George Duncan Campbell's wife Magda, Dr G.D.C and Antony Lea (Ruth Campbell's son WAC'S Grandson.

"Distraught Robinson"

Abstract scene of Robinson distraught after loosing his place in the Minstrel Overture.

"A Throne"

Abstract scene of a kings's throne in the palace.


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