
Thumbnail Title Description
Inkos' uSandile

Portrait of a Xhosa King Sandile in his royal outfit.

Kaffir Chief:Botman

Portrait of a Fingo Chief named Botman from Grahamstown.

Hottentot: Wagon Driver

Abstract scene of a Hottentot wagon driver carrying his long swift in Grahamstown.

Hottentot Woman: Swellendam

Portrait of a Hottentot woman named Swellendam.

Fingo Woman

Portrait of a Fingo woman from Grahamstown.

Kafir Chief:Botman

Portrait of an African Chief named Botman from Grahamstown.

Fingo Man

Portrait of a Fingo man from Grahamstown, wearing a feather in his ear to indicate his royal status.

Xhosa Chief

Abstract scene of a Xhosa Chief wearing a special bird fearthers to indicate his social status.

Dancing Zulu Girl

Abstract scene of a dancing Zulu girl.

Zulu Warrior:Shield

Abstract scene of a Zulu Warrior carrying his Shield.

"Seyolo: Xhosa Chief"

Portrait of Seyolo a Xhosa Cheif from Grahamstown.

"Malay Chief"

Portrait of a Malay Chief.

Fingo Chief

Portrait of Fingo Chief from Grahamstown in Eastern Cape.

Seyolo" Xhosa Chief

Abstract scene of  Chief Seyolo from Grahamstown. 

Watson Family Photograph

Watson Family Photograph

"Nominca: Seyolo's Wife

Portrait of Nominca, Chief Seyolo's wife from Grahamstown.

"Eva Miller"

"Eva Williams"

"Xhosa Chief"

Portrait of a Xhosa Chief.

"John Williams"

"John Williams"

"Janet Redhead"

"Janet Redhead"


39609 records found.