Winters Y

Thumbnail Title Description

Shembe congregants dancing in celebration of Mr.& Mrs Ngcobo's marriage.


Traditional senior girl or iqhikiza


Outfit worn by a dancing youth ( a married man may wear the same but for the beadwork) of the Khuze of highflats 1983. this outfit is worn by a friend of the Mbanjwa family.


Outfit worn by a courting youth of the Khuze of Highflats 1983. the original outfit worn by a member of Mbanjwa family and photographed at Bobson studio.

Three girls of amajongosi age group

Three girls of the Amajongosi age group from the mtolo family of Matakane araea.

Three girls of amajongosi age group

Three girls of the Amajongosi age group of Mtolo family of Mtakane.

Girls who are Amajongosi

Girls who are Amajongosi, who were accompanying senoir girls, one of them who was to give umbondo gifts to her boyfriend family.

Balindile Mtolo, an amajongosi

Balindile Mtolo, an amajongosi or gir without a boyfriend in dress for special occassions.

Balindile Mtolo posing as Amajongosi

Balindile Mtolo posing as amajongosi.

Amaqhikiza or Senoir girls

Two girls of the amaqhikiza who dressed in their outfits worn on special occassions for photograph.

Senoir girls or Amaqhikiza

Senoir girls. A fairly established formal relationship in which the girl has already given beadwork to boy and is in this instance going to give imibondo gifts to the boyfriends family.

Amaqhikiza or Senoir girls

Two girls of amaqhikiza(girl with boyfriend) age group from the Mtolo of Matakane.

12 records found.