
Thumbnail Title Description
Campbell Family photographs-groups

Roy's daughters Tess and Anna Campbell leading in the cast cuida before the Spanish war. Toledo.

Durban waterworks

Durban waterworks

Durban from Berea

Durban from Berea

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Roy's daughters Tess, Anna Campbell leading in the cast cuida before the spanish war. Toledo.

Central West Street, Durban

Central West Street, Durban

West street, Durban

West street, Durban

Saturday sales, Durban

Saturday sales, Durban

Durban city hall

Durban city hall

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Bruce, George, Roy, Mother, S.G.C and grandchild and Roy wife.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Some of the Technical college, Council looking for a site for the proposed university (Sam Campbell in centre).

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Left to right: Laurens Van der post, Alan Paton, Roy Campbell, Uys Krige.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Neil, Avat Ellen, Anne Morley, Jessie McLaren(Nee Campbell) Daughter, Killie, Mother Mrs S.G.C, wife, WAC.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

James Dunn.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Ethel, S.G.C and Mother at 28 Musgrave road.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Ethel with George.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Ethel and S.G.C Campbell.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Campbells, Ethel and Dr S.G. When in Tasmania.1923.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Ethel Campbell and Dr S.G Campbell.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Roy, Mrs and Dr S.G Campbell, George and Bruce.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Roy Campbell and his mother.


11794 records found.