
Thumbnail Title Description
South Barrow Hotel, uMkomaas, Natal

South Barrow Hotel, uMkomaas, Natal

Golf Link, uMkomaas, Natal

Golf Links, uMkomaas, Natal

Lower uMkomaas , Natal, South Africa

Lowe uMkomaas, Natal, South Africa

Mouth of the uMkomaas River, Natal

Mouth of the uMkomaas River, Natal

Nelson Drift, uMkomaas

Nelson Drift, uMkomaas River

On the uMkomaas river

On the uMkomaas river

River uMkomaas

River uMkomaas

uMkomaas river

uMkomaas river

uMkomaas near Durban

uMkhomaas near Durban

University of Natal, overlooking Durban

University of Natal, overlooking Durban

Humphrey Hotel, uMkomaas, Natal

Humphrey Hotel, uMkomaas, Natal

Bride attempting to stab the bridegroom

Bride attempting to stab the bridegroom ( a custom among the Zulu allegorically representing "her last act of freedom"

Zulu boys at mid-day meal. "mealie papa"

Zulu boys at mid-day meal "mealie papa"

Native kraal in Zululand

Native kraal in Zululand

Interior of a Zulu hut

Interior of a Zulu hut

Tillers of the soil, South Africa

Tillers of the soil, South Africa

Curiosity Zulu children

"Curriosity" Zuu children

A Zulu girls shaking hands

Zulu girls shaking hands

A Zulu maiden, brimful of mirth

A Zulu maiden, brimful of mirth 

Zulu marriage dance

Zulu marriage dance


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