
Thumbnail Title Description


Umlaas (uMlaza) falls

Umlaas (uMlaza) falls

OX wagon crossing the drift

OX wagon crossing the drift

Campbell Family photographs-groups


Hulett's Tea Farm

Hulett's Tea Farm

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Campbell family.

Umkhomazi Sugar Mill

Umkhomazi Sugar Mill

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Campbell family member.

Indian Indentured Labourers cutting sugar cane

Indian Indentured Labourers cutting sugar cane

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Roy, Neil and Bruce Campbell.

Umngeni river

Umgeni river

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Roy's daughters Tess and Anna Campbell leading in the cast cuida before the Spanish war. Toledo.

Durban waterworks

Durban waterworks

Durban from Berea

Durban from Berea

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Roy's daughters Tess, Anna Campbell leading in the cast cuida before the spanish war. Toledo.

Central West Street, Durban

Central West Street, Durban

West street, Durban

West street, Durban

Saturday sales, Durban

Saturday sales, Durban

Durban city hall

Durban city hall

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Bruce, George, Roy, Mother, S.G.C and grandchild and Roy wife.


12095 records found.