
Thumbnail Title Description
John Clark Collection

Family group at Arbonville, Janie Arbuthuor in centre.

John Clark Collection

Umzinto mouth from the ground of Umzinto lodge 1865

John Clark Collection

Spring Value, built by Bishop Callaway

John Clark Collection

Natal Sugar cane

John Clark Collection

Beach Cottage

John Clark Collection

John Clark

John Clark Collection

Residence of Janue Arbuthuor, M.L.C 1890

John Clark Collection

Reputed sketch by Jaue Arbuthuor of her and her sweetheart.

John Clark Collection

Sketch from Jaue Arbuthuor's album

John Clark Collection

Umhlathuze Church.

John Clark Collection

Tea Farm

John Clark Collection

Sketch by Mordand

John Clark Collection

Sketch by John Moneland

John Clark Collection

This lithograph of the inner harbour and town of Durban comes from the coloured map enclosed with J.S Christophers guidebook "Natal, Cape of Good Hope", published in London in 1850.

John Clark Collection

Photograph of Benjamin C.C Pine, taken in Durban, 1875

John Clark Collection

This cartoon by G.S Summer shows the crowd of Durban people enjoying a performance by military band. Mny prominent Durban men are caricatured here. The gentleman in the foreground is the Rev. W.H.C Lloyd. The date of the sketch is about 1865

John Clark Collection

Fire tragedy- Durban 25th of June 1909

John Clark Collection

List of Durban Mayors from 1854-1918

John Clark Collection

Another sketch by G. Summer on the trials of an English immigrant.

John Clark Collection

John Homeland


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