
Thumbnail Title Description

Abstract scene of a father ordaining his son with 'umqhele".

"Zulu Young Maiden"

Abstract scene of a young Zulu maiden.

"The Zulu War"

Abstract scene inside the Laager at Gigingindlovu during the Zulu attack.

"The relief of Ekowe"

Abstact scene of an army camp rejoicing over the return of their soldiers from the battle of Gingindlovu.

"A Ranger"

Abtsract scene of a Ranger patrolling on his horse.

"Master P. Gatrade"

Portrait of Master P. Gatrade.


Abstract scene of young boy scouting for animal during a hunting trip.

"Waiting for his bicycle"

Abstract scsne of a Native man waiting for his bicycle.

"The Final repulse of the Zulus"

Abstract scene of the final repulse of the Zulus battling the British in Gingindlovu.

"The Final repulse of the Zulus"

Abstract scene of the final repulse of the Zulus battling the British at Gingindlovu.

"The Battle of Gingindlovu"

Rough sketch of the army for the battle of Gingindlovu.

"The Final Repulse of the Zulus"

Abstract scene of battle of the Zulu's at Gingindlovu.

"The Final Repulse of the Zulus"

Abstract scene of the battle of Gingindlovu.

"The Battle Of Gingindlovu"

Rough sketch of the Battle of Gingindlovu.

"Near the Amatakulu Drift"

Abstract scene of the Amatakulu drift in Zululand.

"We cross Amatikulu River"

Abstract scene of great trekkers crossing the Amatikulu river.

"Some of our Native Contingent"

Abstract scene of an eldery European man riding a horse.

"Some of our Native Contingent"

Abstract scene of a Native man riding a horse.

"Some of our Native Contingent"

Abstract scene of a Native man wearing European clothes.

"Some of our Native Contingent"

Abstract scene of a European man riding a horse in Cape Town.


585 records found.