Reid Bros

Thumbnail Title Description
Telling the surgeon how the light cases are getting on, Orange River Hospital, S.A.

Telling the surgeon how the light cases are getting on, Orange River Hospital, S.A.

Lord Roberts and staff cheeringthe Queen-raising Union Jack on occupation of Pretoria

Lord Roberts and staff cheering the Queen-raising Union Jack on occupation of Pretoria, June 5th, L.A.

Removing wounded from the wagons at the British Field Hospital River, S.A.

Removing wounded from the wagons at the British Field Hospital, Modder River, S. Africa

Co. Porter's men ready to meet Boer Cavalry charge on Naauwpoort (Dec. 13), South Africa

Col. Porter's men ready to meet Boer Cacalry Charge on Naauwpoort (Dec. 13) South Africa

First aid to wounded Fusilier-Honey Nest Kloof Battle (Feb. 13)-S.A.

First aid to a wounded Fusilier-Honey Nest Kloof Battle(Feb. 13)-S Africa

Listening to the Fife and Drums on government Square, Johannesburg, S.A.

Listening to fife and drums on Government Square, Johannesburg, S.A.

South slope of Spion Kop, the bloodiest battle ground of the War, South Africa

South slope of Spion Kop, the bloodiest battle ground of the War, South Africa

Falls at Waterworks, Durban

Falls at Waterworks, Durban

Handiwork of the retreating Boers, destroyed railway bridges over the Vet River- Lord Roberts' Campaign, S.A.

Handiwork of the retreating Boers, destroyed railway bridges over the Vet River- Lord Roberts' Campaign, S.A.

New Zealand Hill defenders and distant hills held by the Worcesters (Jan. 25th) Slingersfontein, S.A.

New Zealand Hill defenders and distant hills held by the Worcesters (Jan. 25th) Slingersfontein, S.A.

In a field hospital on the Tugela River

In a field Hospital on the Tugela River

Ex Presisdent Kruger's home at Pretoria, South Africa

Ex-President Kruger's Home at Pretoria, South Africa

The toils of Lord Roberts' great March through the Transvaal-Grenadier Guards resting- South Africa

The toils of Lord Roberts' great March through the Transvaal-Grenadier Guards resting- South Africa

Artillery Park of the 85th Battery, just outside Pretoria, S.A.

Artillery Park of the 85th Battery, just outside Pretoria, S.A.

Gen. Cronje's 4000 brave Boers after surrendering to Roberts' force of 50, 000, February 27th, Paardberg, S.A.

Gen. Cronje's 4000 brave Boers after surrendering to Roberts' force of 50, 000, February 27th, Paardberg, S.A.

New South West Lancers bringing Boer prisoners into Pretoria, South Africa

New South West Lancers bringing Boer prisoners into Pretoria, South Africa

Entrance to Park, Maritzurg

Entrance to Park, Maritzurg

South African Light Horse, coming down Adderly Street, to entrain for front, Cape Town

South African Light Horse, coming down Adderly Street, to entrain for front, Cape Town

Looking over the 12th Brigade Camp and Signal Hill, Slingersfontein, British Campaign, S.A.

Looking over the 12th Brigade Camp and Signal Hill, Slingersfontein, British Campaign, S.A.

Natal Government asylum

Natal government asylum


76 records found.