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Family Functioning in the South African lndian Community

Mental Health professionals working in the field of family therapy usually hold an implicit if not explicit view of the characteristics of the normal family, which underlies their assessment of the families which enter therapy.

Witchcraft or Madness? The Amandiki of Zululand, 1894-19141

In late May 1999 Anglican Archdeacon, Ebenezer Ntlali, performed an exorcism to drive out evil
spirits from a hundred or so schoolgirls at St John's College, a church school with over a
thousand students in Umtata, of former Transkei region of South Africa. According to

The Voice of History? Archives, Ethics and Historians [Lunacy]

These documents and letters - which I have placed in chronological order, and taken excerpts from, but have not otherwise edited or changed in any way - can be found at the Pietermaritzburg Archives Repository.2 They comprise, in the main, correspondence between various officials from the offices

The Mad in their Midst: Accommodating Insanity in Natal, 1868-1920

In December 1916, James Mkize, a kholwa (Christian) peasant farmer and preacher submitted a deposition to the Resident Magistrate of Umzimkulu, southern Natal, South Africa, detailing at some length the reasons why he believed that his brother, Bennie, was insane and should be legally detained in

The fools on the hill : the Natal government asylum and the institutionalisation of insanity in colonial Natal

Representing one aspect of my wider research into changing perceptions and practices of mental illness and mental health in the period c.1850-1950 in the region that today is KwaZulu-Natal, this paper focuses on the colonial identification and institutionalisation of those deemed insane between t

Towards a pastoral counselling model for adolescent suicidal behaviour

Over the past three decades, vouth suicide has become a mental and public health
problem of epidemic proportions. The sociaL oolitical and economic changes that have
occurred in South Africa over the nast two decades have had a verv visible imnact on the

Green Gold or Green Deserts Contestations between the choice of poverty or commercial tree planting by Rural Communities in KwaZulu-Natal Timber paper SAPPI MONDI

This paper summarizes the limited conditions of rural poverty which made the communities in KwaZulu-Natal accept commercial tree-growing schemes as a way to confront the cycle of poverty in which they are trapped.

South African Indian politics and labour 1920-1933

Most earlier studies of South African Indian politics have
often been based on the assunption that, regardless of class
cleavages, there existed e,nong Indians a fundanental unity
of interests. Although these writers often indicated


68 records found.