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Aids and the Changing Political Economy of Sex in South Africa: From Apartheid to Neo-liberalism

Between 1990 and 2005, HIV prevalence rates in South Africa jumped from less than 1% to around 29%. Combining ethnographic, demographic and historical insights, this article addresses the important question posed recently by prominent South Africanist scholars:

From migrating men to moving women : Forgotten Lessons from the Karks on methodology, migration and disease

This paper is based on a rough draft of a chapter for my PhD dissertation. I have kept in place references to other chapters to give a sense of how it fits into my broader thesis. The dissertation is provisionally

Masculinities and multiple-sexual-partners in KwaZulu-Natal: The Making and Unmaking of Isoka

This paper examines one dominant element of masculinities worldwide – the high value placed on men’s “success” with women.

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