Dr Phyllis Naidoo

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Letter about Jacob Zuma from Phyllis Naidoo to The Editor, Natal Mercury

What kind of a Man is ,Jacob Zuma, asks Phindile Ngubane. Cyril Madlala in the weekend papers adds a few strokes of his brush. May I add mine. I first met GEDLEYIHLEKISA (watch that smile) Zuma after he had served a 10 year sentence on Robben Island.

Gift of books for CUBA from Phyllis Naidoo of Durban South Africa

Gift of books for CUBA from Phyllis Naidoo of Durban South Africa

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Giesalla

I hope I have spelt your name correctly. If not please correct.It is sometime since I had your address from ,Jenny but I wanted to enclose the photograph of your lovely roses. I have not had them, developed (photo) as yet.

Discussion Document On How The ANC should Govern: By Ngoako Ramatlhodi

It is now three years since the ANC was elected to govern. Enough time has thus elapsed to allow for a review of how we have coped with the twin challenges of governing and effecting transformation of our country. In this regard, the focus shall be on the ANC and its Allies.

The Bombing of Mr. Thembi Hani's Car : Article from Lesotho Weekly Newspaper.

The remains of a car belonging to Mr. Thembi Hani a South African refugee who lives at Lower Seoli in the outskirts of Maseru. The car was destroyed by a bomb at about 2.45 a.m. last Wednesday Shortly, after the blast, a man was found sprawled next to the wrecked, car.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Susan and Bill

Your beautiful card arrived last week. Thank you for same. And thank you also for years of grand friendship. I don't know how many days are given to us, but I am most grateful for your wonderful friendship.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Suks

This piece of wood is a precious present from my Dade to me. It was 6 serviette rings that were carved on the streets of Bombay in ,1955 by folk that live on the streets there.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Shiraj

I was wading through some papers and came across Friends of Phyllis Network. Your name was on it. What are you doing in Canada? Why have you not written to me ? Is it a deliberate act. Doesn't our friendship require an explanation.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Sarojini and Kannah

My dear Sarojini and Kannah (I cannot remember your name - so sorry), I am at page 47 of your book - this is quick reading to see what aspects you have covered. I am taking it to JHB and will make a study and then address you more critically. In the meantime thank you so much.

Invoice - Loan to Rodney

Invoice Loan to Rodney - repaying R1000.00 per month.

Tax invoice from Phyllis Naidoo to Rhumba

Tax invoice from Phyllis Naidoo to Rhumba

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Rhonda

Attention Rhonda please find obituary of Sahdhan love Phyllis.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Rebecca

You have been in my thoughts and every time I look for your address I find it has been steamed out. Why, Who I don't know. But today rummaging I found your address and Shiraz Ramji in Network of Phyllis's friends - you know the abortive trip to the states.

List of Video's Donated by Phyllis Naidoo

List of Video's Donated by Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Gabriela

Your letter dated 23/11/97, posted in Capetown on the 25/11 at a cost of R12.50 arrived here today the 2/12/97. That is what is called PRIORITY post. It seems it arrived in Durban on the 29/11 and was given the number 616 and the card was in my box today.

Friends of Phyllis Network

A list of names, addresses and contact numbers of  Friends of Phyllis Network.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Embassy of Cuba

I am not sure whose idea it was to send me Gramma all 4 copies of it. Thank you so much. It is my favorite read. But I know at what great cost it is produced. I think it should go to people who don't know about Cuba.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Carol and Bud

What a surprise - a letter from Carol. Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule. I am glad that Zuma opened you up. Yes I am so proud that people can rise above their awful circumstances and then contribute to the common good.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Benjy

How annoyed I was when I heard the knock on the door yesterday. I was in the midst of finding how long conscription has been fought by mankind. It is a fantastic story. Sometimes I am so proud to belong to the com1mini ty of man/woman.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Ann

Ann please return in the afternoon love Phyllis.


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