Dr. Killie Campbell

Thumbnail Title Description
Barbara Tyrrell: Tribal Peoples of Southern Africa

Barbara's first book.

Barbara Tyrrell: Banukile

Barbara's friend, Banukile whom she wrote the book Suspicion about. In this scen Banukile is seen at her home in a trance.

Barbara Tyrrell: Suspicion is my name

Barbara Tyrrell's second book: Suspicion.

Barbara Tyrrell: Campbell Collections

Barbara with one of the guests at Campbell Collections.

Barbara Tyrrell: Dr. Killie Campbell

Barbara Tyrrell with Dr. Killie Campbell during her exhibition at Campbell Collections.

Barbara Tyrrell: Daughter

Barbara with her daughter and dog on a fieldtrip in her caravan.

Barbara Tyrrell: Barbara in her Caravan

Barbara on a field trip in her Caravan.

Barbara Tyrrell: Young Barbara

A young Barbara sketcing a Nquthu married woman. 

Fertility Dolls

Set of small beaded fertility dolls from KwaZulu-Natal.

Mpondo Doll

Dumbell shaped like Mpondo doll with grass as hair and beads to make a female figure.

Mpondo Doll

Dumbell shaped like Mpondo doll.


Fertility dolls from Tswana or Lesotho called Naskau.


Two beaded fertility dolls, called Naskau from Tswana.

Fertility Dolls

Two  fertility dolls:Mother and daughter.

Fertility Doll

Dumb- bell shaped beaded doll. made of thatched grass bound with gourd as head and base.

Bantu Fair: Dr. Killie Campbell

Photograph of Dr. Killie Campbell at the Bantu fair with Mrs. D. Strutt and Miss Mignon Herring holding the Mpondo dolls.

Mpondo Dolls

Cone shaped beaded doll. 

Mpondo Dolls

Cone shaped beaded dolls.

Mpondo Dolls

Dumb- bell shaped doll, made of thatching grass bound with gourds as head and base. Beaded skirt and a pony tail are added to make a femalle figure.

Mpondo Dolls

Dumb-bell shaped doll, made of thatching grass bound with gourds as head and base. Beads are used to accessorise the doll as a female figure.


64 records found.