Documentation Centre

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Bechoo - Personalia Education

With reference to your letter of 6th September, 1961, and the appeal signed by senior Principals, it appears that yov have overlooked the rurpose of the 1958 salary adjustment. The purpose of the adjustment was to consolidate into the scales a portion of the cost of living allowance......

Biography: A

YACOOB AHMED AMRA is about as publicity-shy a businesman as they come. The chief executive of the Springfieldbased button manufacturing company AH Amra and Son. Mr Amra modestly dismisses his success in business as a story not worth telling.

Biography - C. I. Amra Documents

With reference to my letter of 11th March and that of the Secretary of the Joint Matriculation Board of 17th March, I shall be pleased if you will......

Biographies of Various People

On Monday, Mr Mandela contacted Miss Adam's family to express bis sorrow over the death of the woman who briefed him and other senior ANC leaders before they undertook public engagements........

Archary family correspondence in Tamil 1949 to 1974

FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE IN TAMIL between the years 1949 to 1974 Most of the letters are to OMPATHY ARCHARY subsequently a medical doctor.....

Ameen Akhalwaya

A DEBONAIR man who holds journalistic integrity above all else is in charge of our news behind the news.....

NU Focus vol. 4 No. 3 1993

A YOUNG lawyer arrived in South Africa one hundred years ago. His experiences in this country, the books he read here, the people he met, and the things he saw combined to change the man.

Mahatma Gandhi Collection (Gandhi 1913 - 1914 scrapbook)

A LETTER written by Mahatma Gandhi to Adolf Hitler in 1940 has been dug out of Government Archives in Madras, South India........

Mahatma Gandhi memorial trust

Deed of Transfer.....

JN Singh correspondence

I am in receipt of your accounts herein and your letter of the 7th April 1954........

Gandhi Centenary commemorative supplement

For the last twelve months various organisati<ms and State governments in different parts of the world have been engaged in a' variety of activities to mark

Gandhi miscellaneous articles
Gandhi miscellaneous articles

On his return journey to India, Gandh i stopped at Durban, where the local Gujarati merchants enlisted his aid to prevent the passing , as Act 25 of 1894, of a bill that sought to deprive 251 Asiatics of the parliamentary franchise.

Tolstoy and Tolstoy Farm Lenasia

The 61 letters in this volume were written in Durban, South Africa, between September 1902 and June 1903 by M.H. Nazar, acting Secretary of the Natal Indian Congress and first editor of Indian Opinion, a weekly newspaper founded by.....

Gandhi MK Collected Biography

South African audience at the film ''Gandhi''.......



A Man called Mahatma (Gandhi)

The saintly image put forth in book and filmmost recently in this year's Academy Award-winning epic-obscures the moral person the Mahatma
truly was: a man often troubled by contradictory and bizarre impulses who was al'so a leader of great visi6n and charismatic courage.....

Tribute to Gandhi 100 years souvenier brochure

The South African context is a dynamic one, and at times it seems hard to imagine what sort of future lies ahead. Yet inspite of all this confusion the philosophies of the Mahatma shine through.......

Third World Book Review

In this issue's major review article, Aidan Foster-Carter, lecturer in sociology at the University of Leeds, outlines the current trends and debates in development and underdevelopment theories.......

The Tolstoy farm - Gandhi's experiment in cooperative commonwealth

Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) attributes the success of the final phase of the satyagraha campaign in South Africa between 1908 and 1914 to the "spiritual purification and penance" afforded by the Tolstoy Farm. He devotes a considerable number of pages.......

The socio economic conditions of indentured and ex-indentured Indians and their struggle for political freedom 1860-1914


206 records found.