de Lange B.A

Thumbnail Title Description
Wooden Doll

Small wooden carved doll.


Nopopi, plastic modern doll with a beaded skirts and accessories, for little girls.

Fertility Doll

Beaded fertility doll with animal skin skirt.


Umkhwetha doll from AmaXhosa tribe, symbolising becoming a man ritual.

Fertility Doll

Beaded  fertility doll with large galss beads.


Small love doll given by a mother to her daughter to attract love and courtship.

Protection Doll

Beaded protection doll carried by both sexes.


Small love dolls from a mother to her young daughter to attract love and courtship.


Small love doll from a mother to her young daughter to attract love and courtship.

Fertility Doll Necklace

Beaded fertility doll necklace.

Fertility Doll Necklae

Beaded fertility doll necklace from the Xhosa tribe.

11 records found.