D Bagwandeen collection

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Inventory of the Hofmeyr Papers

Inventory of the Hofmeyr papers

General correspondence and other papers re academic and political career (arranged chronologically) 6 boxes. 1915-1948

Diary 1947 Aug. 22 1948 Nov. 26. Records of
conversations, impressions etc


Letter to Hofmeyr from General Smuts

7 April 1943

My Dear Hofmeyr

Hofmeyr from General Smuts

Letter to the Hon. Col. C P Stallard

I have during the last few days received several communications from the Prime Minister in London in connection with the legislation bearing on the Asiatic question which is to be dealt with in the Natal Provincial Council

Letter from J D Rheinallt Jones to Mr Cooper

In the View of the tensions which have been created over the U.N.O. discussions on South West Africa and the South African Indian situation and particularly over the actions taken by certain individual....

Telegram from the South African Delegation in New York to the Secretary for the External Affairs in Pretoria

You will have seen in the Press Novikov's fierce onslaught on us yesterday in the Trusteeship Committee on South West Africa.

Letter from Sarah to Hofmeyr

I have heard within the last day or two, how difficult days were for you in Parliament during the Indian...affair. At the time I thought it was some ..


Letter to Hofmeyr from L.Marquard

This is a personal letter from my wife and me to let you know that we have lost none of our high regard for the part you have played in national affairs....

Draft International Declaration of Human Rights

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of the members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world ......

Hofmeyr Papers 1935 to 1948 - General Correspondence

Hofmeyr Papers 1935 to 1948  Box A1/Aa

A Protest against The Asiatic Segregation Bill of The Government of Union of South Africa

Asiatic, Segregation, Class Areas Bill, Areas Reservation Bill, Immigration

ACT TO Amend the laws relating to occupation and acquisition of land in the Province of the Transvaal by Asiatics and Coloured persons and to provide for matters incidental thereto.

BE IT ENACTED by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Assembly of the Union of South Africa, as follows-:


ACT to Amend the Transvaal Land Tenure Act, 1932

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TO Amend the Transvaal Asiatic Land Tenure Act, 1932.


The Indians in South Africa

South Africa herself belongs rightly to the West. It was from the countries of Europe that her early settlers came, yet it is significant that she first attracted public attention as a possible half-way house between East and West.

Indians in South Africa

THE arrival of a newly-appointed Agent-General for the Government of India in South Africa (this time the distinguished Mr.

Indians in South Africa

The Eastern seaboard of Africa has been the happy hunting ground of Indian traders who control the local markets so effectually that to them, it is no exaggeration to say, is due the unemployment, now almost as general amongst the whites in Africa as it is in Europe.Had Indian activities been con

South African Party Policy

It has been represented to the Government that, in Durban and elsewhere, you have a White part of the town, and an Indian with sufficient wealth buys a house right in the middle of that area and thereby depreciates the property in the neighbourhood.

Memo for the General Purpose Committee. Indian Penetration into European Areas

At the Associations 31st Annual Conference held at Newcastle the delegates representing the City of Pietermaritzburg urged the immediate pressing for legisalation on the above subject or.....

Indian Problem Survey - Property held in Natal

A full survey of the South African Indian problem was given that night to the Durban Library group by Mr W P M Henderson ex.Town Clerk of Durban.

Segregation of Indians in South Africa. Swami Bhawani Dayal's interview to the 'National Call' of Delhi.

The present demand by certain Europeans for the segregation of the Indian Community is no new development in the party politics of South Africa. A similar agitation which has been raised in the country in an intense form during the years 1918 and 1920

The Chairman and Members of the Indian Colonization Enquiry Committee

Government of India, Indian Delegation, Indian Indenture Labour, Housing, Education, Indian Immigration, Relief Act, employment, Trade Industry


362 records found.