Cramer. C.P.

Thumbnail Title Description
Sir Saudgate

Portrait of Sir Saudgate.

"Sir Corragh"

Portrait of Sir Corragh.

"Dovor Park"

Abstract scene of people with their pet dogs in Dovor Park.

"A Military Pier"

Abstract scene of a Guard outside a Military Pier.


Abstract scene of people in Esplanade.

"Mr. A. in trouble"

Abstract scene of Mr. A. standing infront of a Magistrate, two policemen holding him and an angry lady can be seen pointing at him.

"Young Corry don"

Scene of a Young Corry don, being scolded by his mother.

"Merry Men"

Abstract scene of two merry men dancing.

"Sir Corry don"

Portrait of Sir Corry don in his best suit.

"A Proposal"

Romantic scene of a man on one bended knee, proposing marriage to his lady.

"Sight Seeing"

Abstract scene of a well dressed lady with his pet dog sight seeing.

"An Official"

Abstract scene of an Offical wearing his uniform.

"A Prey"

Abstract scene of a Lion preying on an unsuspecting deer acroos the river.

"Her Majesty's Maid"

Abstract scene of Her Majesty's Maid from West Indies.


Abstract scene of a well dressed lady showing off a fashionable dress.

" A Fight"

Abstract scene of two men fighting with one poking the other with an umbrela in the nose.


Abstract scene of a very frustrated lady.

"A fight"

Abstract scene of two men fighting with one poking the other with an umbrella in the nose.

"Smoking Pipe"

Portrait of an eldery European man smoking a pipe.

"Sir Shouneclife"

Abstract scene of Sir Shouncliffe delivering bad news to a family in 1873.


582 records found.