Captain B. Hunter

Thumbnail Title Description
"The Wild beasts"

Sketch scene of wildbeasts.

"A fog on the Flats"

Sketch and color scene of hunters in a fog.

"The Storm"

Sketch scene of a man trying to catch his horse during a storm.

"The Quagga chased into the Hills"

Sketch scene of a hunter shooting and chasing his prey into a hill.

"The wounded Blesbok"

Skecth and color scene of a  wounded Blesbok with Vulteres circling it.

"Death of a Spring Bok"

Sketch and color scene of a dead springbok near a river.

"Off saddled near Death Valley Bonlibok Hats"

Sketch and color scene of travelers resting with their horses near Death Valley.

"Kat River Bastard & his after rider"

Sketch & color scene of men riding horses. 

"Ascent of the Elandsberg"

Sketch scene of Boers crossing the river in horses and Ox wagon.

'The Cattle Lifters: Boors on the Spoor

Sketch scene of cattle thieves running while the Boeres give chase in horses.


30 records found.