Bhengu Gerard

Thumbnail Title Description

Watercolor image of beaded ear plugs called 'Igaligi'


Watercolor image of Amaqoyi.

"Iziviliba zethusi"

Watercolor images of ear plugs made out of bronze.


Watercolor images of ear plugs made out ivory.


Watercolor images of wooden ear plugs.

Bhaca Woman carrying a pot.

Black and white portrait of a Bhaca woman carrying a pot on her head.

Postal Stamps

Watercolor series of postal stamps for a Singer Sewing Machine Calendar. This is an October 19, 1929 letter of two men carrying a dead body on 'Uhlaka'.

Postal Stamps

Watercolor series of postal stamps for the Singer Sewing Machine Calendar. This is a September 19 1929 letter L, with a portrait of a young woman carrying wood on her head.

Postal Stamps

Watercolor series of postal stamps for the Singer Sewing Machine Calendar. This is an August 19 1929 Letter H, with a Zulu man herding his sheep.

Postal Stamps

Watercolor series of postal stamps for a Singer Sewing Machine Calendar. This is a Juy 19, 1929 letter  E ,with a scene of cooking in a Zulu homestead.

Postal Stamps

Watercolor series of postal stamps for a Singer Sewing Machine Calendar. This is a June: 19,  1929 letter with the Mission Station and the Graveyard.

Postal Stamps

A letter with a watercolor drawing of a stamp with men herding cows. 

Postal Stamps

A letter with a watercolor drawing of a stamp showing a Zulu man dancing with huts in the back ground.

A Zulu girl babysitting

Watercolor scene of a young Zulu girl carrying a baby on her back.

"Yizwa Mngoma"

Black and white portrait of a Female Sangoma.

Bhaca Woman

Watercolor portrait of a Bhaca woman with grass plaited hair.

Zulu Man: Hunting

Watercolor scene of a Zulu man hunting with his dog in the forest.


117 records found.