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In preparation for the new millennium we dedicate the first issue of the last year of this millennium to the "voices of youth." Adults don't give youth much of a
hearing. The youth naturally respond in anger or rebellion. Unfortunately, the more........

Become a supporter of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence

What was true then is true now. In the same spirit of humility as M.K. Gandhi we express our concern for the continuation and development of our programs and the......

Grandfather Gandhi, Peace Was His Way

Fifty years ago as a ten year old boy, I was growing up on a hundred acre farm.......

Gandhi on Trusteeship: A Transforming Ethic

Godric Bader is Life President of Scott Bader Company, Wellingborough, England. He is the son of Ernest Bader, who founded Scott Bader CO. Ltd. in London in 1920. In 1951 it became on ofthefew business examples of Gandhi's Trusteeship principle in action.

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