South Africa

Thumbnail Title Description
Statement on the alleged question of the penetration to the Hon. The Minister of the Interior by The Natal Indian Congress with a copy of the Trading & Occupation of Land (Transvaal and Natal) Restriction Bill

To all men of Goodwill this carefully reasoned statement is unanswerable. Whenever in the history of South Africa....

Report of delegation to the United Executive meeting of South Africa

Motor Vehicle insurance Bill - Copies of this bill were handed to delegates and a special committee appointed to examine the Bill and to submit recommendations.....

Copy of Trading and Occupation of Land Restriction Act

I have the honour to refer to the application which was made in May 1945...

Memorandums of the City of Durban and the Natal Indian Congress

In reply to your letter of the 7th instant setting out communication received from the Joint Honorary.....

Memorandum to the Town Clerk, Anti-Asiatic Clauses in Housing Schemes

It will be recalled that on the 5th June 1942, the Council resolved subject to the approval of the Administrator to make a grant in aid.....

Extract from the minutes of the Council

That the recommendations of the General Purposes Committee contained in Section 5 of the Report (Lot 256, Block AK, Town Lands: Application to Court for deletion of certain restrictive conditions) be and they are hereby adopted. (The Mayor dissenting).

Re: ex parte Mason - Deletion of Restrictive Conditions from Titles

In this matter Mr Justice Broome today delivered a lengthy reserved judgment......



Sepia print 9.9 x 7.3cm very faded

Jensen on his ladder

Sepia print 10.2 x 7.1cm faded

Burger Camp, Colenso

Sepia print 7.3 x 10.2cm very faded

Memorial to the first Manchester Battalion

Sepia print 19.8 x 14.7cm

Fort Manchester

Sepia print 20.2 x 14.6cm

Obeisance - Puberty School

Obeisance - Puberty School - Bantwana

Tsonga "Witchdoctor"

Tsonga "Witchdoctor" - Inyameti Pans - Northern Zululand

Nalindele - Lozi dancer

Nalindele - Lozi dancer 

Nalindele is the traditional 'daring young maiden' of the Makishi dancer of Lozi circumcision school.

Likishi Dancer

LIKISHI - Lozi Circumcision School 

Initiation costume

Xhosa  - Khwetha dancing dress - Idutywa, Transkei 

Muhwira - Venda

Muwhira is recruiting officer of the Musebeto/ Sungwi, a circumcision school for girls, which operates secretly in chosen glade deep in the bush.

Sandbag Dam constructed by the Dutch to flood Ladysmith, 1900

Sepia print 9.8 x 7cm faded

Sandbag Dam constructed by the Dutch to flood Ladysmith, 1900

Sepia print 9.9 x 7.2cm faded


25514 records found.