South Africa

Thumbnail Title Description
Security gaurds at the St Aidans Hospital

St Aidans hospital - Security

First trained nurse at St Aidans Hospital

Nurses at St Aidans Hospital

St Aidans junior student nurses

Junior student nurse 1961

Marie Dyer Collection

Black and white print 25.2 x 17.2cm



Marie Dyer Collection

Black and white print 24.5 x 18.4cm



Marie Dyer Collection

Black and white print 25.4 x 20.3cm



Marie Dyer Collection: Squatters, Clare Estate, Durban

Black and white print 25.3 x 20.3cm



Marie Dyer Collection: Ntunjambili

Black and white print 22.5 x 14.8cm

Reality p 12


Marie Dyer Collection: Ekuvukheni

Black and white print 20.2 x 24.3


Marie Dyer Collection

Black and white print 20.2 x 25.4cm


Marie Dyer Collection: Emzomusha

Black and white print 25.3 x 20.1cm


Nurse J Ephraim bidding farewell to Ms Pratt

St Aidans Hospital

Dr Seedat speaking at an event at St Aidans Hospital

St Aidan’s Mission Regional Hospital rose from the missionary work of the Rev. Dr. Lancelot Parker Booth. He had arrived in Natal, from England, at a period when thousands of indentured Indians labourers were imported to work on sugar plantations

Marie Dyer Collection: Nondwenie 1980. Reality page 12, January 1989 Elliot Mngadi

Black and white print 21.2 x 14.7cm

Reality p 12, January 1989

Marie Dyer Collection: Fletcraft

Black and white print 21.4 x 16.4cm

Marie Dyer Collection: Trucks

Black and white print 25.2 x 20.1cm

Marie Dyer Collection: Ekie Ekhart (L), NUSAS Congress

Black and white print 19.3 x 22.6cm

Marie Dyer Collection

Black and white print 18.6 x 25.2cm

A. V. Farren


6th Eastern Zone Scout Woodbadge Course (27/12/1977 - 04/01/1959)



26242 records found.