South Africa

Thumbnail Title Description
Letter from Alan Paton to D C Lusk
Question of re-appointment as Administrator
Summary of letter from JHH to TR
South Africa: The missionaries and Native policy
Extracts from Gordon Wells Blake correspondence
Masonic Temple

Masonic Temple Grahamstown

KIngswood College

Kingswood college 

Albany Museum

Albany Museum Grahamstown

Cathedral chancel

Cathedral chancel Grahamstown 

War Memorial

War memorial Grahamstown




W.E. Grocott , T.H. Grocott ans R.H. Sherry

Magistrate court

Magistrate court Grahams town

Bathurst Street

Bathurst street Grahamnstown

Grahamstown Catherdral

Grahams town Cathedral from high

Grahamstown Catherdral

Grahams town Cathedral from high

Grahamstown Catherdral

Grahams town Cathedral from high

Grahamstown Catherdral

Grahams town Cathedral from high

ST Andrews Collage

St Andrews Collage


26017 records found.