South Africa

Thumbnail Title Description
John Clark Collection

Cartoon. Masterly Inactivity. Secretary for Native Affairs: Why do you haunt me? I have done nothing." Ghost of Inspector Hunt: "That is why I was murdered." 

(The Mosquito & African Sketch 22/2/1906)

John Clark Collection

C. J. Smythe, Prime Minister of Natal (1905-06)

John Clark Collection

Defence 1906 Rebellion

John Clark Collection

Early railway train- The Classes

John Clark Collection

The Greenwich Railway

John Clark Collection
John Clark Collection

Alcockspruit Eskom workers. Valley view resturant, Drummond

Affirmative Action Report Sponsored by the US Embassy

The following report describes the learning. points resulting from the South African Affirmative Action Group's (SAAAG) visit......

Affirmative Action in South Africa

Political reform in South Africa was taken one step further on 1 November 1995 with the country's first-ever democratic local government elections.....


Affirmative Action and the New Constitution

here's an old saying: one person's meat is another person's poison. So it is with affirmative.......

Affirmative action and Black advancement in business

One person's dream of advancement is another person's nightmare. What follows is an attempt to....

Affirmative Action 1996-1997 press cuttings

Affirmation action press cuttings....


Danhouser- Escom staff

John Clark Collection

Sardine being piled up on the beach for immediate auction, June 1963.

John Clark Collection

The newspaper captions read: "Mr 'Twala' Shwegman, one of the professional seine netters who hauled in tons of sardines from the sea at Scottburgh today, dispels the myth that sardines are not edible." Date: 3 July 1979.

John Clark Collection

A heavy catch by Inian seine-netters, June 1968.

The Sardines are here! This picture shows all the exultation and joy of the "catch," as these Indian seine netters look over their seasonal sardine haul.

John Clark Collection

Central Railway Bridge, Glasgow; Suspension Bridge; Victoria Bridge, St Enoch Railway Bridge; Albert Bridge; Tidal Weir; Daulton Fountain; Boat Club House; Nelson's Monument.

John Clark Collection

This monument has been erected by contributions from sixty golfing societies. 

John Clark Collection

Mary Moreland wife of John Moreland (Settlers Agent)


26251 records found.