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A New History of India

This reorganization legitimized the new constituencies of Gandhi's following and assured Congress continuing grass-roots national support. The support of Congress for its British Committee was now discontinued, thus finally cutting the silver cord of dependence on London.

Gandhi Centenary Year 1969

I am glad to know t hat t he Directare of Advertising and Visual Publicity is bringing out its "Prestige Diary" for 1969 on the theme of Gandhiji.

Navajivan publications in English

Letters from · M. K. Gandhi to Esther FaeringThese letters written by Gandhiji to a European lady, and dealing with personal, dome stic, national and international problems, give us an insight into the spiritual aspect of his life.

Clarkson C.F.

Taj Agra and its beautiful Garden

HG Popat of Bombay
Buddha teaching 1st sermon known as setting of the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion Sarnath India 3rd Century AD

The Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta is a Buddhist text that is considered by Buddhists to be a record of the first sermon given by Gautama Buddha. ...

The Mahabhodi Temple erected on the site of the Buddhas Enlightenment Bodh Gaya India 4th Century

The Mahabodhi Temple or the Mahabodhi Mahavihar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is an ancient, but much rebuilt and restored, Buddhist temple in Bodh Gaya, marking the location where the Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment.

The Enlightenment Gautama is shown as an empty throne under the Bodhi tree Sanchi India 1st Century AD

Mucalinda is the name of a nāga, a snake-like being, who protected the Gautama Buddha from the elements after his enlightenment.


Head of the Buddha Amaravati India 2nd century AD

Head of the Buddha Amaravati India 2nd century AD

Bodhisattva Padmapani

The bodhisattva Padmapani sits among a crowd of devotees, both princesses and commoners. With long, dark hair handing down below a jeweled crown, he stands holding his attribute, a blue lotus flower, in his right hand.

Dhamek Stupa in Deerpark at Sarnath near Banares Varanasi where the Buddha gave his first sermon 16th Century

The Dhamek Stupa is said to mark the spot where the Buddha gave the first sermon to his first five disciples, led by Kaundinya, after attaining enlightenment,"revealing his Eightfold Path leading to nirvana".

Karla - Plan of Chaitya Cave

The Karla cave complex is built into a rocky hillside around 60 kilometres (37 mi) from Pune, with large windows cut into the rock to light the cave interiors.The caves are among a large numbers of similar caves excavated in the Sahyadri Hills in the early 1st millennium CE.

Facade of a rock ct assembly hall Bhaja Western India 2nd Century BC

The chaitya at Bhaja Caves is perhaps the earliest surviving chaitya hall, constructed in the second century BCE. It consists of an apsidal hall with stupa. The columns slope inwards in the imitation of wooden columns that would have been structurally necessary to keep a roof up.

Interior of a rock cut assembly hall Bhaja Western India 2nd century BC

Bhaja Caves is a group of 22 rock-cut caves dating back to the 2nd century BC located in the city of Pune, India.

Stupa at Amaravati

Carving in a cave monastery showing a Stupa Amaravati

Dead Tiger

100,000 Tigers in 20th century. Although there are no precise estimates of the tiger population in the world, their population is thought to have plummeted by ...


the patterns of landholding and the distribution of power in rural India have never fitted easily into the ... India,

Harbour and sailing boats

Ships using sails were always made of wood; they were slow moving and small in size. The steam engine enabled the use of iron for building ships, and eventually enabled the building of vessels over 200 metres long.


Elephants have been depicted in mythology, symbolism and popular culture. They are both ... These Indian elephants are loved, revered, groomed and given a prestigious place in the state's culture. ...

Ox Cart

Ox and Cart


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