Gandhi-Luthuli Documentation Centre

Thumbnail Title Description
Article by Roger Bagley

Newspaper cutting

Letters of Christina and Phyllis Naidoo

Letters of Christina and Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Alison to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Alison to Phyllis Naidoo

Letters the Indian and Natal Art Centre andPhyllis Naidoo

Letters Phyllis Naidoo and The Indian and Natal Art Centre

Inanda Seminary 1950-1980 - educating a nation

lnanda Seminary is a private boarding school for black girls situated in the hills of lnanda. It is unique in that it is the only private protestant school of this nature in South Africa.

From indentureship to transnationalism : professional Indian women in Durban, Kwazulu-Natal (Thesis, 2008)

The study details the transnational migrations of a sample of professional Indian women from Durban, KwaZulu Natal within the context of their historical transition from indentureship to transnationalism, and their changing social identities.

The Psycho-Social reality of literacy/Illiteracy for Women at Mboza : a rural community

The paper describes a group of women literacy learners' conceptualizations about their lives in a rural community and their perceptions of the worth of literacy in this context.

Sastri College (SK Reddy Collection)

Sastri College (SK Reddy Collection)

An investigation into those factors which may predispose to or precipipate suicidal behaviour amongst Indian school children

These patients were interviewed after the suicidal attempt and social work intervention was offered. A structured schedule was developed after a pilot study was completed from the case histories of these patients.

Letter from Michael Benson to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter fro Michael Benson to Phyllis Naidoo

Letters of Annette and Phyllis Naidoo

Letters of Annette Schiller and Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Bernard to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Bernard to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Julia to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Julia to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Derick to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Derick to Phyllis Naidoo

Letters from Keith Caswell to Phyllis Naidoo

Letters from Keith Caswell to Phyllis Naidoo

Natal Indian Teacher's Society Silver Jubilee 1925-50

To mark its Silver Jubilee, the Natal Indian Teachers' Society presents this record of its birth, growth and development over the last twenty-five years, and because it ties up so closely with Indian teachers, the record includes the growth and development of Indian education in general.

Uneducating South Africa : the failure to address the need for human capital - a - 1910 - 1993

This paper presents some detailed historical time series on the South African schooling system since union in 19 10. As such it represents an exercise that to our knowledge has not been undertaken before, with the

Education and Apartheid

Islamic Council of South Africa

A brief review of Indian Education in Natal 1962

Indian education in Natal upon the arrival of the immigrants was initiated by at least: two Church missions in the country, the Church of S.A. and the Wesleyan .

Indian Education in the 19th and 20th century (In Indian Centenary commemoration brochure)

When primary education for the children of a community is limited to Standard IV for a period of 30 years, it goes without saying that this situation evinces apathy on the part of the Authorities! Such was the "chaotic" situation of Indian primary education in Natal from 1869 to l 899.


12148 records found.