Campbell Collections

Thumbnail Titlesort ascending Description
Inanda Seminary

Inanda Seminary; staff and her child

Inanda Seminary

Inanda Seminary

Inanda Seminary

Inanda Seminary

Inanda Seminary

Inanda Seminary

Inanda Falls

Inanda Falls

Inanda Dam Spearheads

Two large set of Zulu fighting spears collected near the Indanda Dam in  KwaZulu- Natal.



Inanada Seminary: interior of a house

Inanada Seminary: interior of a house

In the Park, Pietermaritzburg

In the Park, Pietermaritzburg

In the Orange Free State trenches holding back the Boers, South Africa

In the Orange River trenches holding back the Boers, South Africa

In Pondoland

In Pondoland

In Pondoland

In Pondoland

In Laduma's private hut

The cuckoo-clock at the central pole (as in the Ngalonde kraal). attached to the pole: some fur; iron chains as protection against lightning; the tail-light of a bicycle, a large snail shell. Laduma Mandela's new kraal and his private hut in 1977.

In Laduma Madela's kraal

Visits to Laduma Madela's kraal 1979/80- 1984

In Laduma Madela's kraal

Visits to Laduma Madela's kraal 1979/80- 1984

In Laduma Madela's kraal

Visits to Laduma Madela's kraal 1979/80- 1984

In Laduma Madela's kraal

Visits to Laduma Madela's kraal 1979/80- 1984

In Laduma Madela's kraal

Visits to Laduma Madela's kraal 1979/80- 1984

In Laduma Madela's kraal

Visits to Laduma Madela's kraal 1979/80- 1984

In Laduma Madela's kraal

Visits to Laduma Madela's kraal 1979/80- 1984


29668 records found.