Campbell Collections

Thumbnail Title Description
Tempera painting 'traditional Zulu men apportioning a slaughtered beast in cattle-kraal

Tempera painting 'traditional Zulu men apportioning a slaughtered beast in cattle-kraal' by student Ndaleni Training College.

Tempera paint 'kraal scene'

Tempera paint 'kraal scene' by Petros Gantana, 18 years old of Loram Secondary School, Std VI. original in KCAL as WCP 2694

Beer-skimmer or iketho of ilala palm leaf
children making sisal rope. Hlabisa
Powder paint 'wedding dance'

Powder paint 'wedding dance' by Ambrose Twala, 14 years of Slangspruit combined school. Illustrated xvIII 'Art Education and Zulu crafts' Shuter and Shooter, 1968

Paper mache figure

KCAV 1691 Paper mache figure ( Indian style). Ndaleni school. Grossert no 1062.


Pamphlet located in File 2 of the Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2/2/6), Campbell Collections.

Sisal fibre baskets.

Sisal fibre baskets. Our Lady of Ingwavuma School. Grossert No. 173-4

Paper mache puppets

KCAV 1689-1690 Paper mache puppets. Killnerton T-training school. No Grossert number

A Zulu bracelets. Weaving
Ilala palm leaf basketry

Ilala palm leaf basketry. Nquthu show. 4.6.1959. Grossert No. 64

Basket. No Grossert number

Basket. No Grossert number

Paper mache masks and fez

KCAV 1687-1688 Paper mache masks and fez. Kilnerton Training School. No Grossert numbers.

Xhosa beer-drinking baskets

Xhosa beer-drinking baskets. 23.10.1961. Grossert No.801-2

Tribal Life: three mine workers


Label on photograph: “Mine Workers” (MS BRUECKNER G6) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Photograph placed in sleeve labelled “G: Photographs of ‘Tribal Life’ taken by K.R. Brueckner of Adams College.”



Paper mache plague

KCAV 1686 paper mache plague at amazimtoti. McFaden Hall Grossert no 878

Tribal Life: portrait of a young Zulu woman with bamboo sticks in her earlobes, and wearing two rings in her hair over her forehead


Label on photograph: “Young Zulu Girl.  Bamboos in ear lobe ” (MS BRUECKNER G5) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Photograph placed in sleeve labelled “G: Photographs of ‘Tribal Life’ taken by K.R. Brueckner of Adams College.”

Tribal Life: a Zulu diviner and apprentices, dressed in traditional attire


Label on photograph: “A Zulu “Diviner” with apprentices” (MS BRUECKNER G4) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Photograph placed in sleeve labelled “G: Photographs of ‘Tribal Life’ taken by K.R. Brueckner of Adams College.”


Tribal Life: Elderly man wearing a waistcoat and traditional attire, standing in front of thatched house


Label on photograph: “A neighbour in our vicinity” (MS BRUECKNER G3) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Photograph placed in sleeve labelled “G: Photographs of ‘Tribal Life’ taken by K.R. Brueckner of Adams College.”


Zulu bracelets and weaving


30957 records found.