Campbell Collections

Thumbnail Title Description
Arrival of the Mail Boat, Durban Point


Label on photograph: "Arrival of the Mail Boat, Durban Point."

Description: Early twentieth-century.


Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 7 (KCM 91/2/7) ;

Sheet 2



'Evening Shadows' Bay Esplanade, Durban


Label on photograph: " 'Evening Shadows' Bay Esplanade, Durban"

Description: Early twentieth-century.


Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 7 (KCM 91/2/7) ;

Sheet 1



Greusome animal

Tempera paint 'greusome anima' KCAV 2198 by Ana Mahlangu KCAV 2199 by margaret bhe and KCAV 2200 BY Ndinia.

Cape-Dutch style house and garden


Unlabelled photograph

Description: Early twentieth-century.


Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 7 (KCM 91/2/7) ;

Sheet 1



Party in homestead

Tempera paint party homestead by John Mbambo of Kilnerton  Training College.

Esplanade, Durban


Label on photograph:  "Esplanade, Durban"

Description: Early twentieth-century.


Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 7 (KCM 91/2/7) ;

Sheet 1



Tempara paint 'mask'.

Tempera paint mask by Pule of P.H.T. Heraldtown training school.

West Street, Durban


Label on photograph: "West Street, Durban"

Description: Early twentieth-century.


Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 7 (KCM 91/2/7) ;

Sheet 1



Tempera paint " A woman meets robbers in the forest" by Bernard Zondi. 19 years old Umpumulo Training College 1956
Tempera "Chopping wood" by Nelson Zungu. 20 years old, Umpumulo Training College 1965
watercolour "stealing fruit" by Adelaide Ngcobo Umpumulo Training College 1960
Watercolour "the guitar player" by REggia Mavundla of Umpumulo P.H Training School 1960
Watercolour "the guitar player" by Nellie Kubheka of Umpumulo P.H Training School
Tempera painting worship student Ndaleni Training College
I: Photographs/Prints of Architectural Plans and Elevations of Missionary Colleges. Drawn by K.R. Brueckner
Powder paint (tempera) 'Queen of Sheba and Solomon

Powder pant (tempera) 'Queen of Sheba and Solomon' by Ernest Khuzwayo, 15 years old of Ladysmith Secondary School. 24.2.1959.

Crayon drawing 'My teacher' by Andreas Manyathi, 14 years of Glencoe Bantu School.

Crayon drawing 'My teacher' by Andreas Manyathi, 14 years of Glencoe Bantu School.

Crayon drawing 'My teacher' by Cornelius Tshabalala

Crayon drawing 'My teacher' by Cornelius Tshabalala, 14 years old, Glencoe Bantu School. Grossert no. 724. 13.8.1961

Crayon drawing 'going to church' by Gladys Malevu, 11 years old of Glencoe Bantu School 24.2. 1959.

Crayon drawing 'Going to church' by Gladys Malevu, 11 years old of Glencoe Bantu School...

Crayon drawing 'Country scene'

Crayon drawing ;Country scene' by Grace Ntuli, 12 years old of Fannin Bantu School. illustrated 1x ' Art Education and Zulu Crafts' Shuter and Shooter, PMB, 1968


30957 records found.