Campbell Collections

Thumbnail Title Description
"New Moon"

Abstract scene of a royal guard appreciating a new moon.

A Cook

Portrait of a Cook in his uniform.

"Ye Royal Scots"

Abstract scene of a royal scout.

"Guard from Parkhust"

Portrait of a guard from Parkhust.

"Oak Tree"

Abstract scene of a big Oak Tree.

"Howling Dervish"

Abstract scene of Jesus at Mout Galilee rebuking the Devil.

"Maria Magdalena

Portrait of Maria Magadalene.

"The Messia"

Abstract scene where Jesus met the woman near a water well. 

"At the trade center"

Abstract scene of men meeting at the trade center, a boy and his dog playing in the background.


Abstract scene of a Knight.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Bruce Campbell with daughter Margaret and son Malcolm.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Campbell Family.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Back row L to R : Bruce, George and Roy. Front row L to R: Mother, Dr Sam holding Anna, Mary (Roy's wife).

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Sam in middle with Ethel on his lap. My great grandpa James Dunnachie, Scotland.

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Dr Neil Campbell marrying Rouilland. Jean Campbell (dan of WAC) Archie Campbell Claire Roulland, Badge Lea (was married) Ruth Campbell (dan of WAC)

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Laurens van Der post at the time he was involved with Royc, Plomer, Rowarth, The Reynolds of Linton hall Umdoni park with the Voorslag.

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28 Musgrave Rd with Ethel's Australian troops.

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Colin, Rosalind, Trs, Mary and Roy Campbell.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Undentified man with Mary Campbell, Roy Campbell widow, and her daughter outside their Portugal home at the time of E.G Malherbe's visit in 1967.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Agnes Campbell and her husband Dr George Gordon Campbell.


30398 records found.