
Thumbnail Title Description
Report of the General Purpose Committee

Minutes of the City Council.....

Interim Report of Commission of Inquiry into matters affecting Indian population of the Province of Natal

Interim Report of Commission of Inquiry into matters affecting Indian population of the Province of Natal

Report of delegation to the United Executive meeting of South Africa

Motor Vehicle insurance Bill - Copies of this bill were handed to delegates and a special committee appointed to examine the Bill and to submit recommendations.....

Proceedings of the Executive Committee for the year 1941-1942

Provision be made for vesting in the local authority the ownership of private roads which are registered in the names of persons long since deceased......

Copy of Annexure to Secretarial Report of the Corporation of the City Council of Durban

Dear Sir,

I have to refer to your letter of 8th instant on the above subject....

Letter from the Natal Indian Congress to the Durban City Council

Dear Sir, Your letter Ref. No. 35/527 og the 12th instants refers.....

Corporation of the City of Durban response to proposed Round-Table Discussion: Appointment of the Indian Affairs Advisory Sub-Committee

Further to my letter of the 13th ultimo and earlier correspondence on the above subject, I have to advise that on the recommendation of the general Purpose Committee...

Corporation of the City of Durban response on the Proposed Round Table Discussion

I thank you for your letter of the 12th instant herein.....

Proposed Round Table Conference

We are in receipt of your letter of the 30th July 1946

In reply to your letter of the 12th February 1946 we replied the same day stating, that we had appointed Dr.G.M. Naicker, Messrs M.D.Naldoo and A.I Meer

Proposed Round Table Discussion

I refer to your letter of 27th February 1946, 1n this connection. I am under the impression that, in view of the changed situation which the Asiatic Land Tenure ond Indian Representation Act, 1946...

Correspondence between Natal Indian Congress and the Durban Council in connection with the City Council's proposal for Round Table Discussion

As you are no doubt aware the City Council has prepared its plan for the development of the City of Durban during the post-war period and.....

Durban Old Station complex. Progress Report on Conservation

The City Council has received the interim report of the Sub-Committee on the Old Station Buildings and, acting on some of the recommendations, has voted funds for the restoration and conversion of the principal wings of the main station building which has been shown to be a viable.....

Report on Durban Housing

Further to my letter of the 22nd September, I have now completed a summary of my Report of Durban Housing.....

Commission of Enquiry into matters affecting the Indian population of the Province of Natal

The Commission has come to the conclusion that a situation has arisen in regard to Indian affairs in Natal which renders it desirable that it should present this Interim Report.That situation is described in Chapter II, and the events ,which led up to it are there set out.

Residential Property Regulation Ordinance Report

In the unavoidable absence of the President the Sub-Committee wa presided over by the Vice President and the were present.....

Reports of the Acts and Proceedings of the Executive of the Natal Municipal Association during its Financial Year ended 21.7.1944 for submission to the Fortieth Annual Conference of the Association to be held at Port Shepstone

Members will know nevertheless that no progress has been made in the matter during the past year.....


Report on the passing of the proposed Occupation Draft Ordinance

Mr Mitchell. May I commence this evening by particularly thanking the organizers of this meeting...

Meeting on the Problem of Indian Penetration in Natal

In consonance with the resolution adopted at the Newcastle Conference asking him to give hearing to the Association on the problem of Indian penetrations in Natal.....

Record of the proceedings at the December Quarterly meeting of the Executive at Pietermaritzburg

Vol 37. File No 174(14) N2250

Mr Buchan said this was a peculiar state of affairs. All Towns had been asked to stay their hands, and yet there was to be a two years wait. There was much confusion resulting from this state and he formally moved:,

Report (Part VI) of the Transvaal Asiatic Land Tenure Act Commission

1. The following Table gives particulars of the forms received up to and including 1st December, 1935, notifying occupation of proclaimed land by Coloured persons in the Roodepoort-Maraisburg Municipal Area.


910 records found.