
Thumbnail Title Description
Report on Repression and Violence: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1991

Report on Repression and Violence: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 2 March 1991 discussing tribalism, politically motivated violence, homelands, ethnic violence, boycotts, police violence, civil unrest, apartheid.

Report of a meeting with Prof. Willem Kleynhans

Handwritten report of a meeting between representatives of the African National Congress and Professor Willem Kleynhans of the University of South Africa to discuss the professor's concern about the ANC's lack of organisational skills for the process of elections and for becoming a fully fledged

One year of an unbanned ANC: the road ahead

State of the nation unauthoured paper assessing the African National Congress one year after it was unbanned.

The unabridged report of an international trip

Report of a South African Council of Churches representative on a trip to London, Dar es Salaam and Harare, Zimbabwe to discuss the preparations for the return of exiles to the Eastern Cape.

Repression monitoring portfolio report for the Regional council and Advice Office Committee: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1994

Repression Monitoring Portfolio Report: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 30 July 1994 discussing regional monitoring of elections, monitoring mobile ID units, distribution of voting booklet, involvement with other election observing groups, the way ahead, voter education.

Constitutional Department Report

African National Congress Constitutional Department Report compiled by Dullah Omar in September 1991.

South African Institute of Race Relations: Overview: violence and crime

Violence and crime statistics compiled between 1984 and 1991 by the South African Institute of Race Relations

Building a new delivering pensions to the people: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1994

Building a new delivering pensions to the people: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 30 July 1994 discussing human rights, poverty, child welfare, marital support and maintainance, legislation watch, networking.

Tasks set for regions from the ANC National Reconstruction and Strategy Conference

Identifies tasks set by the ANC National Conference in Durban, July 1991 and makes recommendations. Includes Human Resources and Training, Executive Structures of Government, Premiers Office, Provincial, Metropolitan and Local Government, and ANC.

Farm labour law conference, 1993 report

Report by the Street Law Coordinator on the Farm Labour Law Conference which discussed the consequences and meaning of the extension of Labour Legislation to Farm Workers.

Monitoring Coordinator Annual Report: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1993

Monitoring Coordinator Annual Report: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 3 April 1993 discussing Goldstone Commission of Enquiry (into taxi war in Cape Town), joint forum on policing, network of independent monitors, policing, violence.

The struggle for land and housing in the East London Metropolitan Area: Report presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1993

The Struggle for Land and Housing in the East London Metropolitan Area: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 3 April 1993 discussing housing, urbanisation, land ownership, squatter communities, Independent Development Trust, homelands.

Repression Portfolio Report 1991 to 1992: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1992

Repression Portfolio Report: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 6 March 1992 discussing regional monitoring, Sash's Urban involvement, political imprisonment, protest action, squatter issues, housing, policing, court monitoring.

Violence Researcher's Report: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1992

Violence Researcher's Report: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 6 March 1992 discussing research, liaison between monitors and police, violence, interviews with Minister of Law and Order and police officials, community visits.

Narrative Report of the Trust for 1991: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1992

Narrative Report of the Trust for 1991: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 6 March 1992 discussing politically-motivated killings and violence, apartheid legislation, elections, race classifications, returning exiles, training programmes, women in rural areas, land ownershi

Repression Monitoring Group Final Report: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1992

Repression Monitoring Group Final Report: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 6 March 1992 discussing political violence, statistics of politically-related deaths, regional trends, tribal and political violence in Natal, traditional weapons, Peace Accord, criminal conviction

South African Institute of Race Relations: key facts and trends

Facts and figures on South Africa regarding its population, housing and transport, employment, labour, education, health and welfare, economy and politics compiled by the South African Institute of Race Relations

Report of meeting with HM

Report from H. Makgothi to the African National Congress National Executive Committee on a meeting with Ntatho Motlana, regarding the South African political situation and the South African economy.

Analysis of placement figures

African National Congress Education Secretariat's analysis of placement progress.

COSATU living wage campaign

Chairman's report to the Annual General Meeting supporting COSATU's living wage campaign because of poor living conditions of the Black population in South Africa


910 records found.