Press Releases

Thumbnail Title Description
Statement by the Honourable R F Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs: Cape Town, 20 March 1984

Statement released by Pik Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs, regarding the progress of the Joint Monitoring Commission and condemning the statement issued by the President of Cuba, Fidel Castro, in which the South African and United States Governments were criticised.

To the working men and women of the world

ANC message to workers of the world on the organisation's 70th Anniversary, requesting support.

Paris sanctions conference hears African National Congress of South Africa

ANC press release regarding a statement by Oliver R Tambo, ANC President, to the International Conference on sanctions against South Africa. States that sanctions should not be seen as a way of reforming apartheid, but rather as a weapon against the apartheid government.

Off-the-record statement by Minister R F Botha at a meeting between the Minister and representatives of the South African media in Washington on 16 May 1981

Press statement by Minister Pik Botha about US/South Africa relations and policy. Nuclear matters were also mentioned.


Statement by Alfred Nzo, Secretary General of the ANC National Executive Committee, on the current situation in South Africa.

Statement of a joint meeting of the National Executive Council and the RC of the ANC (SA) held in Luanda on 27th December 1978 to 1st January 1979

Statement of the African National Congress National Executive Committee on a visit to Vietnam to discuss the revolutionary experience of the Vietnam people and to draw on their experience for the South African struggle.

Statement of the African National Congress of South Africa on the recent Black Labour Reforms Commissions in fascist South Africa

Statement of the African National Congress of South Africa on the recent Black Labour Reforms Commissions in Fascist South Africa, signed by Alfred Nzo, ANC Secretary General. Examines the Wiehahn and Riekert Commissions on labour legislation.

Forward to a People's Government

African National Congress response to P W Botha's announcement that he would summon a conference representative of all races to deliberate about matters affecting South Africa.

Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress of South Africa on the victory of the patriotic forces in Zimbabwe

Statement by Alfred Nzo, ANC National Executive Committee Secretary General on the victory of the Patriotic forces in Zimbabwe.

Ciskei Manpower Development Programme

Ciskei Manpower Development Programme aimed to create employment opportunities for Ciskeians

African National Congress (South Africa) condemns the assassination of Comrade Joe Gqabi

Press statement by the ANC National Executive Committee condemning the assassination of Comrade Joe Gqabi.

Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress

Statement by the National Executive Committee of the ANC on the situation in South Africa and the conduct of armed struggle in South Africa in the past six months. Concern expressed over the spate of attacks on civilians.

Statement of the African National Congress of South Africa on the occasion of the 26th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Edited statement of the African National Congress of South Africa on the occasion of the 26th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Joint Press Conference, Department of State, 14 May 1981 with Secretary of State Haig and Minister of Foreign Affairs Botha

Press Conference in the United States, with US Secretary Haig and Minister of Foreign Affairs Botha, regarding the independence of Nambia.

Repression of the United Democratic Front under state of attack

Article on repression of the United Democratic Front under the state of attack as President Botha said the month saw increased government response to the United Democratic Front, both in words and in action, security forces maintain their presence in the townships, draconian laws still exists and

Mandela's full reply to President Botha's offer

Nelson Mandela's response to P W Botha's conditional offer of freedom made in Parliament. Published in the Rand Daily Mail, Monday, February 11, 1985.

Statement of the African National Congress on the resignation of P W Botha

Statement by Alfred Nzo, Secretary General of the ANC, on the resignation of P W Botha.

Declaration of the OAU ad-hoc Committee on Southern Africa on the question of South Africa

Organisation of African Unity declaration on the question of South Africa. Statement that apartheid must be liquidated. Includes statement of principles, outlines steps to be taken for negotiations to take place, presents guidelines for the process of negotiation, and a programme of action.

Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress on the current situation

Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress on the Tri-Cameral elections and the Labour Relations Act.

Remarks by Rev Frank Chikane at press conference held in Pretoria

Press statement containing remarks by Rev Frank Chikane at the press conference held in Pretoria after he and Archbishop Tutu and Rev Boesak met with President De Klerk.


297 records found.