Press Releases

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" Natal Indian Congress - 90 proud years 1894 to 1984"

THE Natal Indian Congress origins trace back to 1893 when as a recentlyqualified young lawyer, Mohandas.......

...but coloured families to stay

Press article about the Dias Divisional Council's decision to allow coloured families to stay at Klipfontein farm whilst forcing black families to relocate

10 years of Parliament
73' Natal Industrial and Commercial review in the Daily news : Supplement
A blueprint for education

The Black People's Convention (BPC) has drawn up a blueprint on education and intends to submit it to its national congress at the end of the year for approval before presenting it to the government

A brief account of what happened during the criminal South Africa invasion against Lesotho

Statement by the African National Congress on the Matola Raid in Lesotho, a South African Government attack where over 40 people were murdered.

A brief general statement on the political situation in South Africa

Statement by the ANC National Executive Committee on the current political situation in South Africa, as examined by the meeting of the ANC National Executive Committee in Zambia, August 27-31 in 1971. Calls for unity and united action for the seizure of power.

A delegate's account of the Black People's Convention Congress (BPC), King Williams Town, December 13-16, l975

A delegate's account of the Black People's Convention Congress (BPC), King Williams Town, 13-16 December, l975 and includes extracts from the Final Congress Report

A Mercury review of Indian Industry and business
A new situation has emerged: let us meet the challenge!

Unauthored statement on the impending independence of Angola, Guinea Bissau and Mozambique, providing proof that the liberation of Southern Africa is assured.

A Special Survey SA Airways supplement
A statement of the African National Congress of South Africa to the 5th Summit Conference of the non-aligned countries

Statement of the African National Congress of South Africa to the 5th Summit Conference of the non-aligned countries.

A statement on the occasion of the 65th Anniversary of the African National Congress

Statement by Alfred Nzo, Secretary General of the African National Congress on the ANC's 65th Anniversary. Examines history of the party, the current political crisis in South Africa, and suggests items to focus on in the future.

African Chronicle - 01 Aug - 29 Aug 1908

01 Aug - 29 Aug 1908

African Chronicle - October 1908

03 October -31 October 1908

African National Congress (South Africa) condemns the assassination of Comrade Joe Gqabi

Press statement by the ANC National Executive Committee condemning the assassination of Comrade Joe Gqabi.

African National Congress statement: International Conference of Trade Unions on sanctions and other actions against the apartheid regime in South Africa

African National Congress statement on the International Conference of Trade Unions on Sanctions and other actions against the apartheid regime in South Africa.

African squatters to be moved from Klipfontein Farm

Press article about the forced removal of black people from the Klipfontein settlement near Kenton on Sea

ANC call to the nation: from ungovernability to people's power

Call to the Nation from the ANC National Executive Committee sent in the wake of an attack by the South African government against Botswana, Zimababwe and Zambia. Calls for a greater offensive to be launched, including mass resistance and an intensified armed struggle.

ANC IFP call to rehabilitate

Tension, intolerance, hostilities and hatred characterise political and human relations between
the ANC and the IPF, particularly in KwaZulu-Natal but also in the rest of the country.


290 records found.