
Thumbnail Title Description
Transport conference : Transport conference

Notice of transport conference on Sunday 29th May at Patidar Hall. Light blue background. Maroon lettering. Poster duplicated on right hand side.

Rally for home health care workers

White, black and blue poster. Notice of a rally at City Hall, Thursday, May 28th. Photograph of a healthcare worker with an old lady. Photograph of Jesse Jackson. Sponsored by New York Labor Coalition for Home Healthcare Workers.

Student action for peace

Pink, black and white poster. National NUSAS speaking tour. Speakers - Sheena Duncan and Brendan Barry.

Colin Eglin on rent problems

Notice of a meeting at St. Saviour's Hall, on Wednesday, 26th May. Blue and white poster. Artwork of head of Colin Eglin. PFP logo.

Education Charter Rally

Notice of rally at Jabulani Stadium on Saturday 31st May. Cream background with black and red lettering.

Volk saamtrek

White poster with red block across top with title in white letters. Blue and white image of Voortrekker Monument. List of speakers in blue block with white letters at bottom. Meeting on 31st May.

Who's the media terrorist?

White poster with black lettering and artwork of a politician in centre holding a machine gun. Notice of a meeting of Association of Democratic Journalists Launch. Friday 3rd June. At Lecture Theatre A1, John Moffat Building, Wits University. List of speakers and music.

Vote ANC

Multicoloured poster. ANC and NUMSA election campaign poster and logos. Election on June 2nd. Photograph of a woman wearing a NUMSA t-shirt.

Holy Cross Convent presents St. Joan

Black and white poster. Notice of a play to be performed at St. Thomas' Hall, 8th Street, Linden, on 1st - 3rd and 5th June. Artwork of St. Joan and people carrying raised spears and a flag in fron of a white circle.

Our children cry for care!: workers are parents too

COSATU childcare day - 1st June. COSATU logo. Multicoloured artwork of childrens building blocks with childrens needs on them.

Children's festival

Black, white and red poster. Title in white letters outlined in black on red balloon held by red stick image of child. List of attractions. Festival on 1st June at Central Methodist Church, Pritchard Street. Issued by Free the Children Alliance.

NEUSA General Meeting

Notice of NEUSA general meeting at Funda Centre, Saturday 1st June. Cream background with red wording and images. Image of map of South Africa with hand holding book. Images of cars with people in them.

Exhibition of alternative comix

Notice of an exhibition of comics from 31st May to 27th June, at Market Theatre Complex. 10th Anniversary year of The Market Gallery. Yellow, black and white poster. Graphics of comics. List of artists featured on the poster.

SAHWCO hosts international children's day

Cream poster with grey lettering and images of children around border. Agenda and List of events on Wednesday 31st May, at Cathedral of Christ the King, Corner End and Saratoga Street. Two SAHWCO Logos.

In the world: Mayday is ours

Black poster with white lettering. Image of world with tools coming out of it and crowd of people.

First of May is workers Day : 100 years May day

White poster with black lettering. Artwork of five postcards, depicting workers protesting, celebrating this event.

The Day Off : Day festival : Zoo Lake

Cream poster with red lettering. Notice of a festival at Zoo Lake on 1st May at 10 am. Title only.

In the factories: May Day is ours!

Black and white poster. Artwork of factory workers handing over a letter to employer.

May day

Black and white poster with title in red letters. Photograph of people protesting. Issued by COSATU. COSATU logo.

COSATU calendar

May-June COSATU poster. Black background. Multicoloured artwork of a man digging and a woman holding a baby up, entitled 'Doing the spade work to bring joy', by Percy Sedumedi.


3485 records found.