
Thumbnail Title Description
Leger vuurtop menghte bloedbad in Mexico City

White, black and red blood spattered poster. Dutch poster regarding Mexico City and the Olympic Games. Artwork of soldiers.


White poster with black lettering. Students Representative Council, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Stop killing our people

White poster with black border. Black and white photo of Ahmed Timol, died in detention on 27th October 1971. ANC Logo.

Celebration of a Soviet National Day and Red Army Victories

Light brown background with black and red lettering. Notice of a meeting at City Hall Cape Town, on Saturday, November 6th. Artwork of a hammer and sickel in a red star. Fundraiser for Medical Aid To Russia Fund. Speakers, orchestra, ballet and solo dances.

Avenge Tobruk by total war

Cream, maroon and black poster. Artwork of two fists holding a letter V on top of a nazi. Date of August 1942 pencilled in. Words 'hear the communist party plan for victory this year'.

Badiri! on Christmas eve

Red and cream poster. Notice of a concert on 24th December, featuring Jonas Gwangwa in Botswana. Also a braai. Artwork of a man playing a guitar.


White, black and red poster. Artwork of a man holding a fag with work 'revolution' on it, trying to stop a tank. Small drawing of a man ringing a church bell.

Artwork of first world war soldiers

Artwork of soldiers firing guns, carrying a red flag. Black, white and red poster. Artwork of a horse.

Mothers - vote Labour

Brown, blue and black poster. Artwork of a woman holding a baby with a factory in the background. Election campaign for the Labour Party in London.


Black, red and white poster. Artwork of people marching carrying red flags. Artwork of men in suits carrying handcuffs. Number 7 Revolt printed in bottom eft hand corner. Name - Albin Amelin in bottom right hand corner.

1,000 pounds smash fascism fund

White poster with black lettering and artwork. Six point communist programme for the home front. Year 1941 pencilled in. Artwork of a raised fist. Issued by the Cape District Committee of the Communist Party of South Africa. List of six points of action.

Repeat performance: people's pageant

White poster with black lettering. Coloured artwork of a communist soldier. Notice of a pageant at City Hall, (Grand Hall), in 1941, regarding the story of Soviet Russia. Issued by the Cape District Committee of the Communist Party of South Africa.

For victory in 1942 open up a second front in the west

Red and black lettering and artwork on a cream background. Artwork of three men fighting. One with a nazi armband.

For victory in 1942 take the chains off our war effort

Communist Party poster. Cartoon artwork of a man climbing a ladder with balls on chains around his ankle. Red, blue, black and white poster.


White and red poster. Notice of a meeting on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th November. List of demands including re-instatement of Simba workers. Issued by Transvaal Stay Away Committee.

Writers speak

Offset litho; black, blue, green, red and yellow; Writers speak

Contemporary Oriental Music

Grey poster with black lettering. S.A. College of Music performance at Chisholm Recital Room. Presented by Robert van Sice. Artwork of two pillars.

Michael Gurt

Black and white poster. College of Music presents Michael Gurt. American pianist. Concert at Baxter Concert Hall on Wednesday 7th November. List of works to be performed.

Conscripts need alternatives : ECC public meeting

Red poster with black and white lettering. Black and white photo of Ivan Toms, conscientious objector. Notice of meeting on Tuesday 10th November at Claremont Civic.

From Maseru

Red, black and white poster. Notice of a play, with poetry and music, to be performed in Boiteko Theatre Unit, Botswana, on 8th -11th November. Black and white artwork of broken down house.


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