
Thumbnail Title Description
NUMSA 1992 demands

Cream poster with red, black and yellow colours on it. NUMSA logo. List of demands.

Listening to the cry of the poor

SCIAF logo. 1492 -1992. Four coloured photographs of women and children working and a church interior. Lenten Campaign 1992. Green map of South America. Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund.


Red border with white lettering. Light and dark blue artwork of a bird flying. Comissao Justica E Paz.SP. 20 Anos. 1972-1992.

Women's Party Party

A2 silkscreen poster; dark blue on yellow; graphic woman's face; text: Women's Party Party 30 November 6.00 pm child-care on request

Gran fiesta nacional por el triunfo popular

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of people unfolding a map of El Salvador. Holiday on the 16 January 1992.

ILRIG 1992 Calendar

Black, white and red poster. ILRIG Logo. Artwork of three arms holding hammers.

1992: AAB

Black and white poster. Calendar for 1992 from the Anti-Apartheid - Bewegung, Osterreich (Austria). Important dates in history of freedom of other countries shown. Impressionist artwork of people.

Postage stamps: 1992 first quarter

Green background with grey border. Multicoloured poster. Replicas of coloured first quarter 1992 postage stamps. Philatelic Services and Interspa poster.

Young Christian Students 1992 calendar

Green, yellow, black and white poster. YCS logo. Aims and objectives of YCS. Photographs of options for the poor, for liberation and for non-racialism.

Social change and development 1992 calendar

Brown, red, black and white calendar for 1992. Black and white photographs from the National Archives in Zimbabwe. Photo of Chief Mugabe, 1891.

SATUCC's Social Charter

Social Charter of Fundamental Rights of Workers in Southern Africa 1992. Outline of origin of Charter. Green, red, black and white poster. List of demands of Charter. Green map of Africa with Southern African countries in white. Large red circle in centr

ECC Peace Festival 93

Notice of a festival by End Conscription Campaign in 1993. Artwork of grey and black bricks being built into a wall.

NUMSA 1993 Shop Stewards elections

NUMSA poster - notice of Shop Stewards elections. White, red, black and yellow poster. Artwork of a crowd of people carrying a yellow flag with words of advice on it.

The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women

Lawyers for Human Rights multicoloured poster. List of Articles numbers 1-14 of the Treaty for women's rights. Notice of a convention. Artwork of women, fruit, flowers and doves.

National spatial development framework

The R.D.P. poster. Coloured South African flag in background. Six maps of South Africa showing various spacial development frameworks.

Endangered fauna

Multicoloured poster. Photographs of South African postage stamps showing endangered fauna.

Demarcacao urgente

Blue, yellow, black and white poster. Artwork of a round hut.

Demarcao Urgente

Purple, yellow, black and white poster. Land reform program in the Amazon. Artwork of a thatched hut.

Sam Tambani: hamba kahle

Coloured photograph of Sam Tambani. Union logos around photograph. Freedom fighter died in 1993.

Helen Joseph: 8 April 1905 - 25 December 1992

White poster with black lettering and border. Black and white photograph of Helen Joseph. Notice of a Requiem Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral on 7th January 1993. Quote from the Freedom Charter.


3485 records found.